GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN (Dagbladet): Bjørn Tore Wirkola (75) is still a name spoken of in The German-austrian hoppuka. It is due to the fact that Norwegian is the only one in history that has been sammenlagtvinner three years in a row.

Wirkola won Hoppuka in 1967, 1968 and 1969. No one else has managed a hoppuketrippel like this. But now the record is under attack: The last two years, Kamil Stoch (31) from Poland won Hoppuka. Now pursuing his third sammenlagtseier in a row, and can match Wirkola.

– It is just nice to get more people in the club, ” says hopplegenden to the Newspaper. The fact is, however, that 75-year-old believes he actually should have had four sammenlagtseire in a row. In the 1970s, he fought with DDR-athlete Horst Queck. Finally, the latter by 2.8 points ahead in the standings.

NO V-STYLE: Bjørn Wirkola during a flight in Innsbruck in 1969. That year he won the Hoppuka for the third year in a row. Photo: NTB scanpix Show more

Wirkola claims he was cheated of 1.5 meters during a competition in Innsbruck. He had the length he thinks he should have had, he would have gone to the top – in this case, for the fourth time in a row.

In the two innings he was measured at respectively 98 and 92,5 meters.

Manual measuring

To Dagbladet says Wirkola about the not too well known tale outside of the hoppmiljøet:

Jumped my the other half were measured wrong. I got 1.5 metres for small.

How can you be so sure of this?

at The time, there were people in the ground and measured the lengths. It was not videomåling. When I checked afterwards, there was a clear mark in the ground where I had landed. The jump was measured too short.

– Why, you not?

the Jump was already registered, so I didn’t think there was any reason to argue. At the time I thought not that it could get such great importance that it was given.

IN offensive position: Kamil Stoch from Poland. Photo: NTB scanpix Show more

– What do you think about today: You could have stood in the history books as the man who has won four hoppuker in a row?

– It is not something you can do something with, ” says Wirkola, who emphasizes that he does not use very many calories on the matter.

Tangerte Hannawald

Kamil Stoch to go to the top of the Hoppuka 2018/2019, the Norwegian won’t be alone to have the record. Seen this way “diluted” the.

When Hoppuka started in Oberstdorf on Sunday, ended up Stock on the åttendeplass. He was 14,7 points behind the winner Ryoyu Kobayashi from Japan. Three races remain.

Stock tangerte another record last year: he was the other athlete in the history who won all four launders in Hoppuka. It only has the German Sven Hannawald clearly before him, in 2001/2002.

Wirkola has no strong thoughts about him think Stoch manages to even the score record, but says:

– in Order to win Hoppuka overall, you should have eight good jumps. It is not easy., but the Stoch is definitely among the favorites. He jumps stable.


Former NRK commentator Arne Scheie tells us that he has heard the story about that Wirkola was measured at too small in Innsbruck in 1970. He seems, nevertheless, it is difficult to have a bombastic opinion on this, as this is an assertion.

Stöckl steered away from the furious Tande

Scheie was not even on the air for NRK in Hoppuka before in 1972. Since commented he hoppturneringen 42 times.

We must remember that Helmut Recknagel, who was a wonderful athlete, could also be won three times in the 60’s. But because of the flaggstrid and much nonsense, were the jumpers from the ENERGY lost in a period, he points out.

Sportssjef Clas Brede Bråthen confirms that he has heard the Innsbruck story from the 1970s:

– at The time was the manual measurement. It was also when I even jumped in a period of time. It was a fact that those who jumped on home soil was often better measured than the competition, ” says Bråthen.

In addition to triumfene in Hoppuka have Wirkola won two world CHAMPIONSHIP gold medals. Today, he is perhaps most known for the phrase “to jump after Wirkola”. The legendary sportskommentator, Bjørge Lillelien, gets the credit for having come up with the phrase under the Oslo world cup in 1966.

today, the traditional Nyttårshopprennet of the stack.

Broke tradition: NRK did not celebrate with the jumpers