Helsinki Food Market Goodies have been taken into account by raising it the world’s hottest new food stores among.This Food Market Deliciousness looks like.

the Helsinki centre Stockmann Delicatessen changed this year Food Market Goods.

the Change has received international attention, when it was raised as the only nordic trade as the world’s 16 most interesting new food trade among them.

This survived a british trade research institute IGD’s recent global report of the Top 16 stores you must visit in 2019.

our Goal was to build a european top level of the food trade. Now it seems that we have managed to do that – just two months after the reform. Nice to see that hard work together with clients and with the staff to bear fruit, notes the selection of the director Antti Branches SOK:of.

the Report was taken into account in particular the Delicacy of the layout, extensive and high quality premium-level range, as well as the opportunity to enjoy the Bistro restaurant portions.

the Delicacy of the reform has received a lot of praise and we’ve brought our clients something what has previously been missing. The shop is visited a lot by tourists and this tribute after I believe that their number will further increase, says chain director Mika Heikkinen HOK-Elanto.

Lari Lappalainen