Whether because of the dreaded and hackneyed planned obsolescence or simply because this consumerist society invites us to continue squandering our savings on the latest mobile, what is certain is that we are forced to enter into a dynamic buy-sell. Bad thing if only we bought and let the devices replaced collect dust in a drawer. You can get a great redeeming of the same. Now how to ensure that the experience is safe and successful economically?

The first idea that comes to mind is to use trading platforms and of course, the popular Wallapop, a site that you should also follow some guidelines to make the sale a success. But do we really know what is valued and where we need to take special care in the sale of technology products second-hand? Consumer Reports has prepared a list a series of tips to make the experience as enjoyable as possible. What there are that pay special attention?

to Sell at the right time

it goes without saying that the technology products depreciate at breakneck speed and it is very important to adopt the decision that both fear usually give openly acknowledging that because a product is not required. Although it may seem like a simple thing, to part with something we own is not easy because we tend to grant more value of the real to what we have, a psychological phenomenon that frustrates a lot of sales.

make Sure that you delete the device

Seems rather elementary, but it is an error much more frequent than expected, and not fought, Kaçak Bahis Siteleri neither the sellers more tanned. When you sell a personal device, we should be aware that in it are stored photos, contacts, current accounts… If this information falls into the hands of some unconscionable, the consequences can be fatal. Is not clear the information of the device: format the hard disk to the original factory settings and unlinking it from the online accounts (Dropbox and others) as an additional measure. In this sense, it can be a good idea to remotely erase the computer on those devices that support it since this method makes sure you completely delete all such information.

reasonable price

As we noted before, psychologically always we will tend to grant a lot more value of the goal to a team that we will sell for the simple fact that it has been acquired by us. You have to be dispassionate: the price of a product on sale, is neither more nor less they are willing to pay buyers. If we want to sell really, we should be willing to take this to the maximum and to accept bids that previously or we would have been raised.

Photos complete and quality

there is nothing worse than encountering an advertisement that is illustrated with a photo of the catalog or downloaded from the internet; the photographs must be reliable and to represent the reality of the product, and not worth it with just one, you have to upload the that you can because this will help to build trust. From Wallapop is also recommended that you take your pictures with “natural light” and upload to the maximum that allows the platform (ten photos).

Honesty, the fundamental value

One of the best tips in the sale of second-hand goods is in the highlight in the first place, the potential damage that has the device, although it is a stripe unimportant that exhaust to the view: the buyer will use the magnifying glass and will give with it. If we’re honest -one of the boards of managers of Wallapop – not only achieve the user to rely more on the product and us, but also build a reputation that will be worth gold in successive sales.