Instagram could be, especially in girls, to Addiction, warns Oliver Bilke-Hentsch, a specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry and chief physician of the jugendspyshiatrischen model station Somosa, Winterthur. He says in the “Sunday view”: “You know now, that 14 – to 16-year-old girls are the most affected.”

when you upload a picture to the tense Waiting for a response was a positive experience. And then, if the comments are still honored, and the Likes of their peers come to mean more than if the parents say that the daughter was beautiful. The Problem: often those compliments which conform to the standard ideals of beauty get on Instagram, which lead to uncertainty.


According to a British study by the Royal Society for Public Health Instagram can make people feel lonely, because you look at Instagram photos of people together to do something. As the “Sunday view” writes that trigger the App when the half feelings of anxiety. And 70 percent lack confidence in their own appearance when they see flawless bodies and faces.

According to Bilke-Hentsch, be those most at risk of ten to 15 percent of the Teens especially, already suffering from concentration problems, sleep and eating disorders, or depression, or difficult family life circumstances. A ban is no solution, either. It is important that young people can move simultaneously in a real and a virtual world. (chk)

Created: 05.05.2019, 07:25 PM