In Russia, has entered the controversial law for a separate Internet under complete state control, in force. The atomic power said it wants to equip itself with its own infrastructure for a network against potential cyber-attacks from abroad.

President Vladimir Putin had signed the law in may. “Thus, the state assumes for the first time, the full technical control over the Internet”, said the Russian Internet expert Alexander Isawnin by the independent organization Roskomswoboda (For the freedom of the network), the news Agency DPA. The act also provides for extensive data retention.

Many websites blocked

so Far, the Provider would have been able to operate under free-market conditions, said Isawnin. Now the Russian state to exercise a direct influence. Accordingly, the Russian Internet traffic should be directed in the future about the nodes in their own country. The infrastructure still needs to be established. Provider is not need to purchase this equipment. Many technical issues are unresolved.

critics see the law as a pretext for expanding political control in Russia. The organization reporters without borders (RWB), lamented that the Internet will be lifted censorship in Russia to a new level. ROG sees this as a violation of human rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of access to information. Now many Internet sites are in Russia – about from the Opposition block.

management has concerns

Many Russians fear that their country is digitally isolated and the Surveillance by intelligence services will be strengthened. Thousands of people had demonstrated against the law.

The Russian leadership rejects the concerns of the critics. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stressed that it was not planned, Russia from the Internet to disconnect. Rather, the danger is that the West, Russia abklemme from the network was in place. Therefore, the country need an independent digital infrastructure for an Autonomous Internet. Putin defended the project as necessary for national security. (anf/sda)

Created: 01.11.2019, 08:48 PM