Caviar and hard roes complete your christmas table fish platter, but what’s the difference between caviar and mädillä?Fish eggs and caviar are among the many at the christmas table. Mostphotos

Sturgeon roe, i.e., caviar is a different fish mädeistä the most most respected and also fully cost in their class.

– the main difference between caviar and caviar between the two is in the structure. All of the spawn of other fish have to bite broken teeth, while caviar is violated palate against language, to tell Kirill Siren Helsinki, south beach, located in the caviar restaurant and store Finlandia Caviarista.

Unlike roe, caviar should never be frozen.

– Especially in the nordic countries egg storage in the freezer is the most common. It’s ok, as long as it is done correctly. Caviar is instead, never frozen.

Kaviaarien taste great differences in the

Sturgeon subspecies there are 28 different. Finlandia Caviarissa them on sale is seven. In addition, the range is different mätejä.

Affordable caviar comes siperiansammen, which is the most common caviar production used species.

– It is fairly fast growing and reaches sexual maturity in four years. Siperiansammen kaviaarissa is a small structure, and its taste is quite a marine, for Them to explain.

for Sale is also white sturgeon roe, whose taste is exceptional.

– It is kaviaareineen only, which do not have a strong maritime flavor, but the taste is more soft, creamy and buttery, Siren told.

Opposite of it, again, is the Russian sturgeon, whose taste is very fishy, salty and oily.

the Popular is also a Selection of caviar, which is derived from a hybrid sturgeon, siperiansammen and the Adriatic sturgeon intersect. Its taste is mild maritime.

the Siren recommends you to refer to kaviaarien of the world tasting at the same time different kaviaareja in small tasting portions.

– When kaviaareja taste is shoulder to shoulder, from the flavors to compare and learn why something is valued more than another.

Kaviaarien price in its class

If kaviaarit seem too expensive on the christmas table, recommends the Siren christmas delicacy, the vocalist for the Finnish familiar mätejä.

the christmas table fit traditionally whitefish and vendace hard roes and trout roes.

That’s where kaviaarien prices per kg rotating 900-2300 between eur, get the most advantageous spectrum of salmon roe around 50 per kilogram.

– Caviar price the most influence on the cultivation of sturgeon age. Some sturgeons have cultivated for 15 years, before they first produce caviar.

Caviar with Siren recommends to drink champagne, dry sparkling wine or dry white wine. Also vodka is to caviar with a great choice.

What more expensive, the better, because then the taste doesn’t cover alcohol, but the taste of caviar is able to continue to taste. For the same reason, the vodka and the shot glass have to be frozen cold.