The flaw was in the implementation of Internet telephony, reported, among other things, the “Financial Times” and the Blog “TechCrunch”. Behind the attack technology, the Israeli company NSO will suspected, the spy tools governments sold. Whatsapp called on all of its 1.5 billion users to install the latest Update.

WhatsApp assumes that the target of the attacks is likely to only be a few selected users. As a human rights lawyer in the UK had become the weekend target of an attempted Cyber-attack on the weak point, as the Financial Times reported, citing researchers at the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto. The attack was failed by the Whatsapp taken precautions but, it was said.

The Facebook group chat service in early may, learned of the Problem and closed the gap within a few days. Were affected both Smartphones with Google’s Android System and Apple’s iPhones, phones with Microsoft’s Windows Phone and Samsung’s Tizen, like a in the night to the Tuesday published technical note. WhatsApp switched on, the US government authorities for investigation.

The most famous product of the company, NSO is a Software named Pegasus, which activate according to previous information, a microphone and a camera, a phone, a location-data gathering, and E-may browse Mails and text messages. NSO said in a statement to the Financial Times, the company put its tools that were only secret services and security agencies. (aru/sda)

Created: 14.05.2019, 09:48 PM