The head of the Government began on Monday a round of consultations with the leaders of the political parties with parliamentary representation. This Tuesday will receive the spokespersons of the yellow vests who agree to go to the palace of Matignon (office of the prime minister), something that last week, when I called them, it turned out a failure. By late Monday, also the new appointment appeared in doubt. Philippe also wants to bring the debate to the National Assembly and the Senate.

While Macron was left to the Monday agenda to be empty (though, according to French media, had lunch with representatives of the police, who on Saturday watched the demonstration in paris), Philippe had charged from the first hour of the morning. The prime minister has canceled his trip to Poland to participate in the Climate Summit COP24 and spent all day at the palace of Matignon. There, after receiving the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, began the round with the main representatives of the political parties, except the leader of France Insumisa. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who the day before asked for the dissolution of the National Assembly and early elections, alleged issues of agenda, to delegate the appointment in junior.

at The same time that the representatives of the parties parading to speak with Philippe, and other sectors of society began to mobilise against the Government of Macron. According to the Ministry of Education, around 100 high schools across the country were partially or fully blocked this Monday in protest against the educational reforms and, in step, in support of the yellow vests.

The National Union of high Schools (SGL) said in a statement its support “unshakeable” to the “movement strong and legitimate” yellow vests “pacifists”, he stressed, rejecting the scenes of violence over the weekend. Called to celebrate, this Thursday, a “student mobilisation” to “confront the Government and its policy” education, indicating that students “must have a part of responsibility in the uprising of citizens” that live all over the country.


Macron is left unanswered at the magnitude of the crisis of the ‘yellow vests’ Of the ‘grandeur’ of the ashes of The violent protests of the ‘yellow vests’ in Paris, in images

The trade unions generalists have been added to the climate of instability and try to channel the anger of the yellow vests. The CGT, one of the most powerful, called this Monday to celebrate a “major day of action” on 14 diciembrepara claim an increase in “immediate” wages, salaries, pensions and social protection. For his part, the president of the federation of farmers unions FNSEA, Christiane Lambert, announced on the radio station France Info that the intention of the farmers also appear “next week”.


The declared goal of Philippe after their meetings is “to announce measures” that allow for the “development serene” of the discussions citizens that was proposed by Macron last week in his first attempt, unsuccessful, to solve the crisis. The minister of Culture, Franck Riester, said after his interview as chief of party, Agir that the prime minister will announce a “gesture of strong opening” in the next few days. However, most of the leaders warned that the situation will not be unlocked unless Macron access to a moratorium on the rise in the price of fuel —the trigger of the protests— scheduled for January.

The first secretary socialist, Olivier Faure, further demanded a “change of method” of the Executive. “It has been finished Jupiter, you have to descend from Olympus,” he said in reference to Macron. In this sense, supported the proposal of Philippe of holding a parliamentary debate in the two chambers. Not so, however, the president of The Republicans, Laurent Wauquiez, to whom “time is not for discussions, but for action”. The conservative leader reiterated his demand for a referendum on the eco-program and fiscal Macron, while the far-right Marine Le Pen called for the lowering of the price of electricity and gas and the increase in pensions and the minimum wage. Displays the severity of the crisis was the decision of Macron to postpone the visit to Serbia scheduled this week. To the last hour of the afternoon, in addition, held a ministerial meeting with Philippe and several key ministers, including the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and the Public Accounts, Gérald Darmanin, according to French media. The only point of discussion: how to appease the yellow vests.
