the agreement of The Brexit has included clauses in the last minute to demonstrate the loss of the autonomy and power of London. This has been the result of their unequal bargaining compared to 27 States that have already sharpened the knives for the second round that will set the bilateral relationship in the future. But if the covenant is broken before, it will be the survival of the country that you are in a game.

Macron, the more hard compared to London, has left a written record of the supremacy of the Union against the erstwhile power diplomatic saxon. Only in this way can be interpreted the added statement about fishing, which has destroyed the aim of the Uk to exploit in solo, such as Iceland, its banks fishing. Under threats as to impose tariffs to the fish of the british, the declaration requires “reciprocal access” to these waters and to maintain a “division of fees” whose removal would cause the rich to the fishermen English, according to sang, the liars, the apostles of the Brexit.


Juncker warns british mps: “it Is the only agreement possible,” Sánchez: “With the Brexit, we lose all, but with regard to Gibraltar, Spain wins” Of the ‘betrayal’ of Barnier at the mule of Sánchez

More bleeding is the statement about Ireland and the Ulster. The guarantee will not reset a border is under the supervision of the EU, which will maintain a Fenomenbet differentiated relationship with Northern Ireland, as a separate territory of the United Kingdom.

And humiliating also the triple statement —European Council, Commission and London— to clarify that any agreement over Gibraltar only be worth it if it blesses Spain. There was never so obvious european references to The Rock as a colony, that is for the UN. Are vacant the discussion about its legal force, except for the interests of Paul Married and Albert Waterfront, and the allusion to the course “patrioterismo” that believed Paul’s Churches, and some wise men of the bar. The multinational agreements are only respected if there is political will to do so and the EU is an example of seriousness.

Despite these and many other losses of power, returning to the scene who promised to the English the days of wine and roses as is sacudieran the yoke of Brussels, that that now will continue to be in compliance, but without voice or vote, for two or three more years…for a start. They return to overthrow the covenant with Theresa May, but hidden, without that agreement, in April there will be a border between Ireland and Ulster, with the risk of resurrecting the violence that has already cost 3,500 of the dead. Or that the pound will sink. And a lack of medicines. Or that there will be long queues in the reviving of customs

they Repeat that they will not be required in the future to support european workers. Who is hired as masons, plumbers or janitors? Do you perhaps indian, or pakistani? Great proof of sovereignty!

those Who ought to be telling that they are busy on other duties. As the eurófobo mep Nigel Farage, dedicated to know which economic rights will have. And yes, from April onwards will be charged for life between 7,000 and 8,000 euros monthly pension of the European Parliament. Have read well, but London does it pay to traitors.