An influential Iranian Ayatollah has threatened the United States, Iran would turn the Persian Gulf in case of a military attack in a “red sea”. He reiterated the country’s desire to continue uranium enrichment despite threats of the USA again.

Ayatollah Ali Mowahdei Kermani said during Friday prayers in the capital Tehran in the direction of the USA: “If you want to attack us, then we will convert the color of the Persian Gulf from blue to red.”

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday to journalists in Washington: “We’ll see what happens with Iran. Iran must be very, very careful.” Luxembourg’s Minister Jean Asselborn on the outside, warns of a new refugee crisis in the event of a further escalation of the conflict.

Kermani said that US threats would not stop Iran from as planned this Sunday to be uranium, as high as necessary to enrich. “This does not mean, however, that we want a nuclear bomb, because we don’t need, and also against Islamic rules,” added the Ayatollah, according to the Isna news Agency.

Unlimited enrichment

Tehran is planning, from Sunday to uranium enrichment over the allowed Limit of 3.67% and its uranium back unlimited enrich. This would be a violation of a Central pad of the Vienna nuclear agreement. The Iranian decision to start on Sunday the second Phase of the partial withdrawal from the agreement was the main topic of the Friday prayers in Iran. Kermani and other preachers in the Prayers have no political functions, but as a mood maker, especially within the Iranian hardliners.

The United States had the leadership in Tehran recently strongly of the uranium enrichment threatened warned. “You know what, you play, and I think you play with fire,” had Trump said on Monday in the White house. Next Wednesday should come at the request of the United States, the Board of governors of the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) for a special meeting. Trumps National security adviser John Bolton announced on Friday on Twitter, it should go to the “illicit nuclear activities of Iran”. “Iran must be put under pressure, its nuclear ambitions, abandon.”

warning before a wave of refugees

Asselborn warned strongly against the possible consequences for Europe an intensification of the conflict. “Should the Situation escalate between Washington and Tehran, so the danger is that three million Afghans living in the country, left Iran,” said Asselborn, the “world on Sunday”. Most of them would not then are likely to return because of the security situation in Afghanistan, but in the Turkey, and then flee to Europe, the Minister added. “There is the risk of a huge wave of refugees, Europe is facing great challenges.”

Trump have done a “total misstep”, as he was descended last year from the international nuclear agreement with Iran. In fact, the US had broken the contract. The agreement of 2015 has brought more security for Europe and for the world, said Asselborn.

Material for nuclear weapon

At the same time, he urged Iran to break the agreement in any case. “So far, Iran has held, according to the international atomic energy authority in Vienna to the agreement. On the other hand, I can warn the Iranians are just about to start this Sunday again, uranium beyond the permitted amount, in addition to enrich it,” said Asselborn of the newspaper. Highly enriched uranium can be used as a Material for a nuclear weapon.

After years of tough negotiations had been agreed by the UN veto powers, Germany and Iran in 2015, in Vienna an agreement that Tehran should prevent makes the construction of a nuclear dispute. It turned the Iranian nuclear industry under control, and said the removal of Western economic sanctions. In the meantime, the USA have imposed re-crushing sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

escalation to Iranian tankers

Already on Thursday the seizure of Iran is called organic vessel for an intensification of the crisis. Due to suspicions of illegal Oil shipments to Syria was stopped in Gibraltar a Supertanker. There is reason to believe that the crude oil was determined on Board the “Grace 1” for the Banjas refinery in Syria, said Gibraltar’s head of government. This would be a breach of the EU sanctions, which apply to the civil war in the country.

According to information provided by the industry service “Lloyd’s List” is the crude oil on Board the “Grace 1” from Iran. The Supertanker moves according to the database under the flag of Panama. Also the British Navy was involved in the action. Gibraltar at the southern tip of Spain since 1713, under British sovereignty. The territory but is claimed by Spain.

The National security Advisor of US President, Donald Trump, John Bolton, spoke of “excellent news”. He wrote on Twitter: “America and our allies will stop the regime in Tehran and Damascus to benefit from this illegal trade.” The United States have imposed tough sanctions against Iran, specifically targeting the Oil sector, the main source of income of the country.

Iran has protested against the stop of the oil Tanker and ordered the British Ambassador in Tehran. “The stopping of the Iranian oil Tanker by the British Navy was illegal,” wrote foreign amtsspr cher Abbas Moussavi on Twitter. As a Protest, the British Ambassador had been summoned to the foreign Ministry. (anf/sda)

Created: 06.07.2019, 22:18 PM