Biden warns Putin about a decisive response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

The White House stated that President Biden warned Vladimir Putin on Saturday that if Russia invades Ukraine, the U.S. would “respond decisively” and impose swift and severe sanctions on Russia.

They spoke on the phone for approximately an hour.

“President Biden reiterated the fact that further Russian invasions of Ukraine would cause widespread human suffering, and diminish Russia’s standing,” stated the White House in a statement.

Understanding Ukraine’s history from its beginning to today: This timeline explains how it got there


Understanding Ukraine’s history from its beginning to today: This timeline explains how it got there

The U.S. is still open to engaging with Russia diplomatically. However, the White House stated that they are equally ready for other scenarios.

Senior administration officials described the call as “professionally and substantive.”

The official stated that there was no significant change in the dynamics that had been taking place for many weeks. “But, we believe we have put forward ideas that would be in our and the interests of our allies to pursue that would increase European security and address some Russian concerns.”

According to the official, it is not clear if Russia is willing to pursue its diplomatic goals rather than resorting force. The official stated that Russia has taken obvious steps on the ground, and it is too important to allow Russia to avoid a potentially catastrophic action.

Ukrainian president urges against panic

Despite U.S. officials raising alarm, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zilenskyy insists that Ukrainian intelligence doesn’t match what the U.S. says and that he doesn’t believe there is an imminent attack from Russia.

“I believe there is too much information about a full-scale Russian war, and people even name dates. Panic in our country is our best friend, and all this information only causes panic, it doesn’t help us,” he stated during a visit Kalanchak, a village near Russia-occupied Crimea.

The U.S. State Department warns Americans in Ukraine that it is now “past time” to leave. A Russian invasion is still imminent. The U.S. Embassy staff in Kyiv was directed by the department to leave the country late Friday night. All consular services to Ukraine will be suspended by the U.S. starting Sunday.

A travel advisory from the State Department for Ukraine has been updated. It advises Americans to leave Ukraine immediately.

Fears of Russian attack prompt the U.S. to order Ukrainian Embassy staff to evacuate.


Fears of Russian attack prompt the U.S. to order Ukrainian Embassy staff to evacuate.

A senior State Department official stated that “We fervently wish and continue to work intensly to ensure Ukraine doesn’t become a warzone” at a news conference on Saturday. “However it seems increasingly likely that this is where the situation is heading, towards some type of active conflict.

The official stated that they are cutting back on staff in order to be able to send their official personnel out safely and in a controlled manner.

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine is not closing. However, staff will continue to conduct essential business. Some staff will relocate to Lviv, Ukraine where they can access emergency consular services.

Biden urges Americans to leave Ukraine and says the military won’t save them


Biden urges Americans to leave Ukraine and says the military won’t save them

Although the State Department does not provide an exact count, it says that there will be security support staff and communications staff.

A State Department official said that the U.S. was still supporting the Ukrainian government, people and government while it reduced its “official footprint” there. According to the official, ammunition from the U.S. still arrives in Ukraine.

According to the official, Ukrainian officials are “very professional” in their statements about the U.S.’s efforts to reduce its presence “even though not all of them agree.”

U.S. troops leave Ukraine and reposition in other parts of Europe

Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, has ordered a temporary repositioning U.S. troops currently deployed to Ukraine from late November — another sign that the U.S. thinks Russia will soon attack.

John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary, stated Saturday that 160 members from the Florida National Guard who were training Ukrainian forces would be moving elsewhere in Europe.

Kirby stated in a statement that “The Secretary made this decision from an abundance of caution — with safety and security for our personnel foremost in his mind — and informed primarily by the State Department guidance on U.S personnel in Ukraine.”

Kirby stated that “This repositioning doesn’t signify a change of our determination to support Ukraine Armed Forces but will allow flexibility in assuring allies, deterring aggression”

The U.S. has sent an additional 3,000 troops to Poland from the 82nd Airborne in order to assist Americans who flee Ukraine.

Blinken informs Russia that a diplomatic route is still open

Biden’s call to Putin was one of many held between U.S. officials, their Russian counterparts.

On Saturday, Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, also spoke via phone with Sergey Lavrov (Russian Foreign Minister)

Ned Price, spokesperson for the State Department, stated in a statement that Blinken had made clear that there was a diplomatic path to solving the crisis. However, it would require Moscow deescalation and to engage in good-faith negotiations.

Price stated that “[Blinken] reiterated the fact that should Moscow continue to pursue an aggressive path and invade Ukraine further, it would result a resolute and massively united Transatlantic response.”

According to the Pentagon, Austin also spoke with Sergey Shoigu, Russian Defense Minister on Saturday.