The approach that pursues Bolsonaro is a revolution. There is that return to the beginning of the military dictatorship (1964-1985) to find a similar step. Over the years, the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva promoted regional initiatives in the south of the continent, while the economic interests are confronted in matters of international trade and industry have kept Brazil and EE UU away. Traditionally, the countries of Latin America that have sought to move closer to Washington have been Colombia or Argentina, in the nineties, spoke of a “carnal relationship” with the U.S., although during the kirchnerismo has also had a cold relationship with the White House.


MARCELINO VAZQUEZ AFP The cuban doctors began to return to Brazil after criticism of Bolsonaro the president of The Supreme proposes a great national pact to get to Brazil from the crisis

A member of the transition team Bolsonaro, who has direct access to the future Foreign minister of brazil, trumpista and anti-globalization Ernesto Araújo, defines that the strategy is to be the great ally of the White House in the region. Bolsonaro is trying to imitate Trump on at least two fronts: you want to decrease the economic influence of China in Brazil and to intensify the relationship with Israel, the transfer of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But, as in other areas, the future Government sends mixed signals on foreign policy. There is a dispute among the groups most trumpistas and the military pragmatists who fear retaliation from Beijing, the main trading partner of Brazil.

The neighboring countries begin to adapt to the new times and they are quick to, making contacts with the future Government. Ambassadors of the Governments of Chile and Paraguay, in addition to representatives of Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina and Peru, have met with the transition team. “Only Bolivia and Venezuela have not shown interest, at least for the moment,” says a member of the future Government. There is no surprise in the listing. Bolsonaro has been chosen with a fervent rhetoric against the left and “anti-communist”, and there is no doubt that looking for inspiration in the formulas already used by other populist leaders of the right.

The visit of Bolton, who will meet with Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro, is a clear gesture of EE UU. Officially, the appointment is scheduled for the 29th. Bolton wants to take advantage of his trip to the G20 summit in Argentina to make a brief stop in Brazil. The appointment has raised hopes in the circles bolsonaristas that Trump go to the swearing in of the president, January 1. Sources of the transition team considered that there were possibilities to do so. There are No recent precedents of the presence of representatives of the united STATES in a change of Government in Brazil.


The bolsonaristas shuffled the possibility that attend to the act the prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán. The european Parliament had demanded in September that it opened an infringement procedure against the leader of ultra-nationalist, for violating the founding values of the EU. Last week, in a phone call, said to Bolsonaro that claims to be “a great friend of Brazil”.

Summit conservative

Before the ceremony of investiture, Bolsonaro already intended to put to test their influence. On December 8, promotes the Summit, Curator of the Americas, Foz do Iguaçu, a city located in the triple border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Among confirmed participants are: José Antonio Kast, the far-right that with 8% of the vote was an unexpected fourth place in the presidential elections in chile; Orlando Gutierrez, a philosopher, a cuban exile in the united States; Jorge Jerez Cuellar, general of the reserve colombian, and the ousted president of the Supreme Court of Venezuela, Miguel Ángel Martín.

“Brazil has always had influence in the region”, considers the political scientist Ricardo Caldas, a professor of the National University of Brasilia. The analyst Leonardo Barreto, of the consulting firm, Factual, doubt that some promises —such as weakening of Mercosur, strengthening the relationship with Israel, or out of some international agreements— are put in place. The first few months of 2019 will show the difference between the discourse and the practice.

The key influence of the son of the president-elect

In the new panorama diplomatic importance is the figure of the son of the president-elect, the deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro. It was he who helped convince his father, a military man with strong nationalist sympathies, to give a turn liberal in economy. Also it has been he who has sought the dialogue with other conservative leaders in the world, especially with Donald Trump.

In August, the deputy was with Steve Bannon, exconsejero of Trump and the creator of The Movement, a non-profit organization founded to promote economic nationalism and populism of right-wing in Europe.

Eduardo Bolsonaro also negotiated a trip to Washington to meet with vice president Mike Pence and with the secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Not got it as I wanted, but it was received this Monday in Washington by the secretary of State for the western hemisphere Kimberly Breier. As the president-elect cannot leave the country due to his health —he has pending a new operation to recover from the stab that he received in September— is your child that should also have political meetings in Miami and New York in the next few days.