Everything that can happen in a nation and put it to the test on what are they founded their institutions and what they believe their citizens occurred in Colombia. Until the Economist magazine sentence with the title The difficulty of being Ivan-Duke at the time posed that the new president is not yet clear about the direction. Other world media as The Financial Times, The New York Times, Bloomberg, the BBC and obviously THE COUNTRY is interested in Colombia, but especially on the questioned independence of the prosecutor general in the case of Odebrecht.
The three months that mark the time to take the pulse of the new rulers brought them back to the surveyors and their percentages to qualify leaders and their policies. Among the results, three worth having in mind: between a president and two former presidents of the values of favorability add up to 100. Each one with his thirty-something percent, and to the surprise of many, the only one that increases the approval is the one that went and not the current. The other is that, with few exceptions, nobody knows of the new Government, and who know, disqualify, even with something of injustice, as is the case of the minister of Education. And the third is that the pessimism about the future is greater than 70 percent.
The explanations are at the mouth of the jug. In that same period, while the new president, Ivan Duque, began his mandate with three stakes concrete around the new way of interacting with the Congress, without “mermerlada”, the seizure of the minimum dose in the public spaces and the search for resources to fill a hole, a prosecutor said that she found, the students bounced out and took to the streets of the country. Before voted a query anti-corruption that brought to the polls to more than 11 million people hastiadas of corrupt and, to finish, the minister of economy, mr. Alberto Carrasquilla, put it to his boss the president in the worst of worlds, proposing to levy a tax of 18 percent in the the products of the food basket.
no one would have thought anything less popular announcing it as an act of responsibility, then of causing a huge wear to your own Government, take it back and say that they found other ways to get resources. The damage was done. Duke faced a debate inane to finish reconciling the positions of a few benches of parliamentarians where they are dodging the majority-even by his own party, the Democratic Center, so used to make opposition in the last eight years, to the point that it seems that even the president who managed to choose we are looking for the fall. And are not slander. The language of the former president Alvaro Uribe came out with the phrase: we need Duke to straighten up. Rightly says the academic Catalina Botero, the request is that straighten, but towards the radical wing of his party, to the right.
The concerns of the former president Uribe possibly have to do with the fact that Duke has not wanted to crush the peace agreement. Can’t. Despite their counselors, because every time that Vdcasino crosses borders is an international stage where we say that it is sacred, that peace in Colombia you are interested in the world and where the discourse that there are no resource is immediately demolished. and the minister of Defense touched him recognize that the fumigation with glyphosate with drones on illicit crops is not working. In good time, the European Union announced more resources for the post-conflict.
The mood conciliatory and quiet of the president is passing a collection account early that it forces you to show a leadership of another kind: as when he intervened to say that it requires an attorney ad hoc to retrieve the principle of confidence in the investigation by the bribes of the company Odebrecht in Colombia, or as when he suggests philanthropy to unite around the education with a donation. The problem is that the citizens are not believing because he has not been able to demonstrate that the mandate against corruption is embodied in the Congress. Because you see him captured by your party and has not managed to externalize that has wood.
have Not been easy days. The atmosphere of the streets taken by students asking for resources for their education, venezuelans entering en masse for the border, the threat of a tax reform punishing the less fortunate, joined in a last week’s rough.
it All started with the heart attack of a man and three days later the death of his son, poisoned with a drink with cyanide, which would have been preparing to commit suicide when death came on. But before it is commissioned, the so-called ex-controller, or auditor of the Path of the Sun, where Odebrecht as a partner paid bribes, leaving against the ropes to the prosecutor general of the nation, Néstor Humberto Martínez.
With a test given to a dedicated journalist, as is Cecilia Orozco, Jorge Enrique Pizano, recorded the attorney general of the nation three years earlier, in 2015, when he warned of the possible payments of bribes. The prosecutor appears, speaking with a vocabulary that is horrible, when I was the attorney for the grupo Aval, being the sin of a dirty tongue-the lesser of the problems he faced. By now the figure of a fiscal ad hoc studies to regain the trust of citizens in justice for battered.
Behind every one of the acts of the 100 days appears, as always, a challenge, to test that we are a State of law, that the laws created to deal with the problems as to recover the principle of transparency are possible and effective. And above all, the challenge of responding to the citizen, who in the end is who imposes on the representative the way you should act if you do not want to lose popular support when the legislative will is denied, and its governance is broken. You have the time and desire and a need for autonomy, and claw.