From our correspondent in Washington

Donald Trump has announced the mobilization of ” all the federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the riots and looting, to put an end to the destruction and arson and to protect the rights of Americans, law-abiding, including the second amendment (freedom of expression). “In a speech in the rose garden of the White House a week after the death of George Floyd, this black man died during his arrest muscled in Minneapolis, Trump has opted for a tone martial. In a speech more solemn than his typical message posted on his Twitter account, he announced his intention to bring back the order, using, if necessary, to the military force.

” I have urged today to each governor to deploy the national Guard in sufficient numbers to regain control of the streets. Mayors and governors must establish an overwhelming presence of forces of the order until the violence is repressed “, said Trump. “If a city or State refuses to take the necessary measures to defend the lives and property of their residents, I déploierai the us army and I réglerai the problem quickly for them.”

read also : Our coverage of Minneapolis, in the epicenter of the riots that inflamed the United States

Started in Minnesota with peaceful marches to demand the arrest of police officers involved in the death of Floyd, the movement is transformed into a wave of anger and destruction that has earned almost all of the United States, and arrived in front of the gates of the White House. During the weekend, smoke from fires and tear gas surrounded the official residence of Donald Trump, while agents of the Secret Service held off the protesters.

” These aren’t acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terrorism, ” said Trump. “In recent days, our nation has been the prey of anarchists professionals, of violent gangs, to arsonists, looters, the criminals, rioters, Antifa and others “.

Trump has also announced measures to restore order in the district of Columbia, the administrative entity that is the u.s. capital. What happened in this town last night was a disgrace total. At the moment we are talking about, I send thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military officers and agents of the forces of order to stop the riots, looting, vandalism, assault and wanton destruction of property “. “We get everybody in custody: our curfew to seven hours will be strictly applied. Those that threaten lives and property innocent people will be arrested, detained, and prosecuted to the full extent provided by law, ” said Trump.

“We must never give in to anger or hatred”

posing as the ” president of the law and order “, however, he recalled his determination to ensure that justice is rendered for George Floyd. “All Americans were rightly sickened and outraged by the brutal death of George Floyd. But we can’t allow the crying for legitimate and peaceful protesters are engulfed by bands of angry. The biggest victims of the riots are the peaceful citizens of our poorest communities and, as president, I will fight for their safety “.

” America is founded on the rule of law. It is the foundation of our prosperity, our freedom and our way of life. But where there is no law, there is no possibility. Where there is no justice, there is no freedom. Where there is no security, there is no future. We must never give in to anger or hatred. If the wickedness or violence prevail, then none of us is free “.

Shortly after his remarks, the american president has decided a output symbolic of the White House, in going to walk up to the church of St. John. Nicknamed the church of the presidents, she had been the victim of an attempted fire the day before. To browse the few hundred meters up the building, the police had to clear protesters hit with tear gas. Trump, accompanied by his entourage, his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, attorney general William Barr, general Milley, the chief of staff, got a picture in front of the church to the doors and windows barred panels of plywood, a bible in his hand.

But despite these deployments of force, the calm was not income everywhere in the country. Rioting and looting continued Monday in several major cities, including New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles.

earlier in the day, the president had admonished the governors of several states in a videoconference. “Most of you are weak “, has he said, according to the american press. “You must dominate” and “if you do not trust your, you are wasting your time” has hammered Trump. Some of the governors, frightened by the possible consequences, have warned that a response as aggressive forces of the order could lead to an escalation of violence.

” see also – in The United States, the protest spreads throughout the country