Theresa May is prepared to give battle until the last minute, despite the fact that the sum does not come out, and everything indicates that the agreement of the Brexit reached in Brussels will not have the support of the british Parliament on the 12th of December. “This is one of the votes, the more relevant of the last few decades. The members should choose whether we move forward, all together, or if we enter into a period of more division and uncertainty,” he said Sunday from the capital community. “If the people believe that it is possible to negotiate a new agreement, you should know that it is impossible. This agreement is the best and the only possible”, he warned.

Nobody seems to be willing in the Uk to give a truce to Theresa May and allow you to celebrate your small victory in Brussels. The main political actors of the country already assume that the agreement of Brexit approved by the EU will be rejected in the british Parliament on the 12th of December and made plans for the next day. A group of ministers favourable to the permanence in the european institutions, according to The Sunday Telegraph, has begun to coordinate with the unionist northern irish in the DUP to prepare a “plan B” to avoid an abrupt exit from the EU. May, meanwhile, has already put in motion a public campaign to win the support of the citizens. In an open letter published in the main media of the country says: “In the next few days I will put my heart and soul in getting the Parliament to vote on this agreement and to comply with the Brexit, the United Kingdom and all of our people”.

MORE INFORMATION The Twenty-seven approved the agreement for the exit of Uk from the EU Juncker warns british mps: “it Is the only agreement possible,” Sánchez: “With the Brexit, we lose all, but with regard to Gibraltar, Spain wins”

In the hubbub of accounts and intrigues that is today the political debate in the Uk, the latest figures speak of at least 90 deputies in the Kaçak Bahis ranks conservative willing to reject the agreement May in the Parliament. The Government has already put in place a strategy of persuasion in which offers changes in laws that have nothing to do with the Brexit, but that may tilt the vote of deputies, namely: gun control, reform of procedure in cases of gender-based violence, up to the provision, in a couple of cases, the title of Knight, to flatter the vanity of the questioned.

it Seems complicated however, you May be able to change so many hearts and minds. The last strategy that circulates in the media suggests that the Government would seek a double vote in the Brexit. Aware that the first is lost, would you trust Brussels to go along then to tweak minor and the panic in the markets and the foreseeable collapse of the british pound should persuade the deputies rebels.

But it is not the only scenario that is deck these days. Since the possibility of that failed vote, May out away from his post in a motion of censure and the possibility of a call-up ahead of the general elections going on for a second referendum on the Brexit.

A group of five ministers, led by the Economy, Philip Hammond, supporters all of them to remain in the EU, have begun to be coordinated to develop an alternative plan that will at all costs avoid the possibility of a Brexit, without agreement upon the effective date of march 29. Search for a solution “to the Norwegian” that would allow the Uk to remain in the European Economic Area but would not remove the freedom of movements of people, as it has been committed May.

eurosceptics, for their part, speak this day of a “non-agreement controlled” that would allow them to fulfill their dream of a free United Kingdom of any commitment and subject only to the rules of the World Trade Organization.

the One and the other, however, are based on an assumption not proven: that the EU is willing to extend deadlines and re-negotiate the terms of a new agreement.

Meanwhile, Theresa May has already begun a public campaign in defence of the agreement of the Brexit. In an open letter published in the main british media, the first minister has returned to ensure that the reached agreement is fulfilled the result of the referendum in 2016 and will protect both the jobs, the security and the territorial integrity of the United Kingdom.