His first Meeting with Kim Jong-un , last June, to be referred to Donald Trump as a “big success”. North Korea’s rulers signed an agreement for total nuclear disarmament, was – the document contained, however, no specific timetable for denuclearization. The experts were in agreement that the historic summit in Singapore, no substantial progress had been made. Be confirmed that expert assessments of recent Reports of the US intelligence services, as well as of the UN security Council. Kim’s missile program is “intact”, it means for example in the report of the UN experts.

Real progress is now to bring the second summit: Trump and Kim will be meeting next Wednesday and Thursday in Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi. Some political observers believe that a different theme will overlay the disarmament talks: the drafting of a peace Treaty between North and South Korea. The armistice after the Korean war (1950-1953) is still in force today. In South Korea, the allies, the Americans have stationed still around 28’500 soldiers.

Trump sees himself as a Nobel peace prize laureate

“I’m afraid that the US President is seeking this peace Treaty is still stronger than the denuclearization,” said, for example, Scott A. Snyder, a Korea expert at the U.S. think tank Council on Foreign Relations, in an interview with the New York Times. According to the paper, Trump is irritating to the role as a peace-maker. Obviously, he dreams of even the Nobel peace prize.

in fact, Trump is convinced that he would earn for his North Korea policy now the Nobel peace prize. Recently, he chatted, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had proposed him for the Nobel peace prize. What Trump said, that he should personally have Abe asked. At other times, Trump had brought himself to high distinction in the game. The US President, however, explained that he was going to get the Nobel prize “probably never”. “You gave it to Obama. Obama didn’t even know what he has to get him.” Obama was “about 15 seconds” in the office, as he had been proclaimed the year 2009 as a Nobel peace prize laureate.

“I like him very much, and he likes me very much”: Donald Trump about Kim Jong-un. Photo: Reuters

A peace agreement with South Korea would be for North Korea to be of interest, as this could lead the country out of international Isolation, including the prospect of an easing of sanctions, the burden of North Korea. In this respect, the US President, Trump sought the peace agreement would be a useful incentive for North Korea, with denuclearization finally forward.

So the Kim Regime could meet the Americans in the negotiations on disarmament with concrete steps. So the North Koreans could put plants for nuclear weapons production is actually at a standstill and the international inspections allow. However, this would only be Gestures of good will. Because the United States is a complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization.

denuclearization has yet to be exactly defined

North Korea experts do not believe that the Kim Regime is entirely renounce nuclear weapons. According to the US expert Michael J. Green, there is absolutely no evidence that North Korea has the intention to be something else, as it is now: a state with nuclear weapons . This is the opinion of most experts share.

One of the goals at the summit in Hanoi is developing according to the White house, a common understanding with the North Korean side, “what’s denuclearization”. A high-ranking US government employee said: “I don’t know whether North Korea has already made the decision for denuclearization.” In the meantime, the US has declared-the Minister of foreign Affairs Mike Pompeo that the pressure on North Korea will be maintained. An easing of sanctions against North Korea was only after significant progress in nuclear disarmament possible. In the case of the denuclearization of North Korea, there can be Pompeo, no compromises. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.02.2019, 20:17 PM