TEL AVIV – The israeli premier Benyamin Netanyahu was declared the winner of the primaries of his party, the Likud, defeating the rival Gideon Saar. “A great victory! Thanks to the members of the Likud for their trust, support and love,” tweeted Netanyahu an hour after the close of voting.

The first results indicate that the prime minister won the primary with a margin on the Saar. The voting ended at 23 hours local, 22 in Italy. The percentage of the vote was 49.3 per cent of the more than 100 thousand beneficiaries.

A little more than two months away from the new elections, the third in a year, the members of the party of israel’s right-wing, therefore, have confirmed their guidance Netanyahu, exacerbated by charges of corruption, fraud and abuse of office. Saar, 53 years behind a brilliant career as a parliamentarian and former minister (education and interior), has tried in vain to insert their name in the Pantheon of the Likud, which in its 40-year history has had only four leaders: Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Ariel Sharon and the state of israel.

The comparison between the two contenders was rough, full of shots above and below the belt. Married with a famous television journalist, Saar – himself a former journalist – has benefited from the support of some of the important media. But in the Likud, where is the credit to the thesis that the media are responsible for part of the trials, judicial Netanyahu, the thing has aroused criticism and suspicion. On the web, the Saar was thus accused of “collusion” with the opposition left-of-centre.

On the ideological level, in the two weeks of the electoral campaign, Netanyahu and Saar have focused their interventions on the future of jewish settlements in the west bank. Netanyahu has ensured that we are working to ensure the support of the United States “to the recognition of israeli sovereignty in the Jordan valley, in homogeneous areas of jewish settlement in the west bank and even beyond.” “Deeds, not words”, replied the Saar from the bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar (where the School of the tires). In the past Netanyahu had promised that he would be evicted, but so far it has not happened.

Yesterday, Netanyahu had to stop briefly to a gathering of Likud to Ashkelon when a rocket was shot from Gaza towards the city. In response, the israeli air force has struck targets of Hamas. The two main political rivals of Netanyahu (Benny Gantz, the party’s Blue, White, and Avigdor Lieberman, of the Yisrael Beitenu) took the leap in the opportunity to criticize the policy of Netanyahu to Hamas, which is guilty in their opinion have eroded the deterrent Israel’s military.

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