The Government of Theresa May wanted to subtract relevance to your assignment on Gibraltar hours after Pedro Sánchez announced his decision to lift the veto on the Treaty of Exit of Uk from the EU. The british ambassador in the community institutions, Tim Barrow, sent a second letter to the secretaries-general of the European Commission and the European Council in which he claimed that “the Uk Government insists that there is no doubt about the sovereignty of the United Kingdom over Gibraltar, including territorial waters, of british-gibraltareñas”. “In addition”, continues the text, “the United Kingdom reaffirms its commitment to Gibraltar that never embark on negotiations whose outcome was that the people of gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another State against their wishes expressed freely and democratically”.


Spain unlocks the Brexit after a triple guarantee on Gibraltar United Kingdom camouflages your assignment with a heartfelt defence of british sovereignty of Gibraltar Sanchez: “With the Brexit, we lose all, but with regard to Gibraltar, Spain wins”

The Executive May, with the own first minister to the front, has raised the tone on the Rock in the last few hours, facing accusations Ultrabet voiced by the deputies eurosceptics and the press antieuropea that had been ceded to the pressures of Spanish. “The United kingdom has given its assurance that it will not enter into any process of negotiations on sovereignty with which Gibraltar is not in accordance,” said the ambassador in his second letter.

Barrow attempted to so reinterpret the commitment expressed by your Government in the first letter, which was presented by Sanchez as part of the “triple shielding” which ensured that Spain had always the last word in regards to Gibraltar. “As already provided my letter of November 24, 2018 to the secretary general of the European Council”, wrote the british representative, “the Government of the United Kingdom insists that it will negotiate future agreements to develop the Joint Political Declaration on behalf of all territories for whose external relations it is responsible, Gibraltar included”.

Sources british knowledgeable first-hand the negotiations explained to the COUNTRY that THE article 184 of the Treaty of Withdrawal of Uk from the EU, the source of the misgivings and objections of the Spanish Government not to include the exceptional status of Gibraltar, was never drafted thinking in the Rock but in Northern Ireland. These same sources claim that the reservations expressed by Madrid were understood from the first moment, and that was the tone, excessive according to them, with the announcement of the result which led in turn to London to raise the tone on an issue that until now, they note with some discomfort, had been handled in a constructive manner, and discreet.