photo gallery of The best moments of decision protest Profile | López Obrador against himself who is Who in the new Government

The so-called fourth transformation, has launched his watch in Mexico. Andrés Manuel López Obrador officially became president this Saturday at 11.20 in the morning. The ceremony of transfer of power culminated a long way that the political left began in July 2005 and included two failed attempts to seize power. More than 13 years later, and at the end with the band tricolor on the chest, the leader of the Movement of Regeneration Nacional (Morena) drew in his first speech a project that aims to bury decades of neo-liberalism. “The crisis in Mexico is originated not only by the failure of the neoliberal model applied in 36 years, but also by the predominance of the filthiest corruption of public and private… What I mean with realism and without prejudice, the economic policy has been a disaster, a calamity for the public life of the country”.

The first message of the political, from the tribune of the Chamber of Deputies of San Lazaro, in the heart of the mexican capital, established its roadmap for a Government of six years. It was a long speech that ranged from social program up to the promise of putting an end to fracking and gmos. However, in the center of the message is the promise to end corruption and provide a paradigm shift in the reflection, that the power given to the citizens in a country accustomed to seeing their politicians surrounded by opulence and wealth. “Nothing has damaged more to Mexico that the dishonesty of the rulers and the minority that has profit from the influyentismo,” said the agent. Minutes he then added: “I don’t have the right to fail the people of Mexico! Nothing material I’m interested in and I like the trappings of power. I am aware of the great expectations that have the mexicans.”

“don’t start a change of Government, a change of political regime. A political transformation and orderly, but at the same time peaceful and radical,” he continued. A few minutes of starting its administration, López Obrador declared himself the protagonist of a stellar moment in the history of Mexico. This time would, according to the winner of the elections of July with 30 million votes, the Independence of Mexico (1810-1821) “who fought for the abolition of slavery and to achieve the sovereignty”; the Reform (1858-1866) “in dominating the civil power and restored the republic”; and the Revolution (1910-1921) “where they fought for justice and democracy”. López Obrador promised to convert the honesty and fraternity in the form of life and Government.

The leader, the Brunette kicked off his speech with a brief thank you to Enrique Peña Nieto for not having intervened “as did other presidents” in the elections. “We have suffered this outrage is undemocratic,” said the politician from the southeast of Mexico, who was a candidate of the left in the elections of 2006 and 2012.

“Mexico is not a country of one voice,”

Before that López Obrador were to become president of Mexico, the political parties have fixed their attitude towards the new Government. Little is heard of opposition to a party, the Brunette, who dominates with slack both cameras with the help of their allies (it has 314 deputies 500 Deputies and 70 of 128 senators). Citizen movement was the first to criticize Betbaba what he considers troubling decisions: “query mode, regime centralist concentration of power and the risk that Mexico becomes the country of a single man.” “Mexico is not a country of a single voice,” said the senator Clemente Castañeda.

The legislator said that the Legislative power is not only a window of formalities, where are resolved the designs of the president. Something similar said minutes later that Mauricio Kuri, the BREAD, the one who bragged that his party governs 12 of the 32 States of Mexico, and handles close to 500 municipalities in the country (more than 2,000). “The omnipresence of the State is not the solution, is the problem,” he said.

however, it was not that the greatest gesture that the new president had with his predecessor. Peña Nieto, who is leaving the presidency with an approval of 20%, heard at a distance of one metre López Obrador to promise immunity for its governance, marked by corruption scandals in his cabinet and in some exgobernadores of his party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). “This new stage, we’re going to start without persecuting anyone because it is not committed to the circus or to the simulation. If we open files, we dedicaríamos to look for scapegoats: we would have to start by the mere up in the public and private sector. There would be No courts or jails enough. Meteríamos the country in a dynamic of fracture,” said the president, who called on the citizenry to put an end and begin a new story.

This provoked reactions from the opposition. In an act surprising, the stand’s right-wing National Action Party (PAN) began to make a count from 1 to 43 in memory of the students normalistas disappeared in Ayotzinapa in September 2014. The gesture has been used in various manifestations —is never called by the BREAD— that ask not to forget one of the crimes of the more atrocious ones in the Government that came to an end. Legislators from other parties, showed messages calling for prosecution of Enrique Peña Nieto. “Neither forgiveness nor oblivion” and “Peña, hottie, you’re in prison”, said the other texts in the hands of senators of the opposition.

The new mexican Government started with several foreign guests present. Stands out the king of Spain Felipe VI and the president of Cuba, Miguel Diaz Canel; Bolivia, Evo Morales; Ecuador, Lenin Moreno; Peru, Martín Vizcarra; Colombia, Iván Duque, among others. The Government of the united States sent vice-president Mike Pence and the daughter of Donald Trump, Ivanka, whose husband, Jared Kushner, was decorated by the Government of Peña Nieto on the last day of his mandate for his efforts in the negotiations on the new treaty of free trade. Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela, was not in the public and private legislative. Despite this, it was repudiated by the caucus’s right-wing PAN, which he hung a banner that said, “you’re not welcome”. Maduro, however, does go to National Palace.

Defense of the Army

After a long transition of five months in which there was concealed a single day, the first speech as president, López Obrador was a little lacklustre after the day to day wear. The president made reference in the House of representatives to his controversial proposal of the National Guard, a body of new creation, training, and military elements that will help to bring peace to Mexico just in the most violent year in recent history. And what justificor with eight troubling words: “ we don’t have cops to take care of the citizens”.

Lopez Obrador agreed in September not to be fully convinced with the creation of this body. “It is a controversial subject, but I have the right to express my point of view,” he said this Saturday, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. These words followed a strong defence of the Army along with the Navy, have been in charge of leading the war against drug trafficking and organized crime.

“The Army has never given a coup to a civil authority. It has fed the people of satin, it is people in uniform… In Mexico it is not known of the military that are part of the oligarchy and has the backing of public opinion”, he defended López Obrador, who seasoned his speech with some historical data, such as that the last rebellion in the interior of the militia, he lived in 1938.