There are distinct words selected by the French President were: “Nobody wins a trade war,” said Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday in his speech at the opening of the Shanghai import trade fair – a plea for the free trade , criticism of the protectionism, but above all, a rebuke to U.S. President Donald Trump . Macrons Chinese hosts are likely to have fallen. Because for months, Washington and Beijing try to outdo each other with the imposition of punitive tariffs. Trump and his counterpart, Xi Jinping have involved the United States and China in a trade war, the like of which the world has not yet seen. Goods to the value of hundreds of billions of dollars have been occupied with taxes.

A trade war, the Macron explained, is detrimental to the world economy. Alone, and duties will not be the right way. “This is not the choice of France or the European Union,” said Macron. “We hope that an agreement can be reached, to ease the tensions and to safeguard the interests of all parties Involved.” Exactly, it is hoped, also in Beijing. The quarrel with Washington, the people’s Republic economically, is enormous.

Europe is United

China’s state and party chief Xi tried to put it in metaphors. The people’s Republic is “ready to open the door even further for the world,” he promised in his speech. The goal is to give the economic globalization, more pulses and to reduce the corresponding obstacles as far as possible. The dynamics of globalisation, he compared with the great Currents of the world. “Although sometimes there are some waves that go backwards, and although there are many shallows, rushing rivers forward, and no one can stop you.” Similar talks held Xi, but more often, around 2017 at the world economic forum in Davos. Much has happened since then.

“Nobody wins a trade war.”Emmanuel Macron

With appropriate skepticism in the back of the head of France’s President travelled therefore on Monday with a Delegation of business representatives to a three-day visit to China. First to Shanghai, then to Beijing. He is accompanied also by the German Minister of education, Anja Karliczek, and for agriculture and trade, the competent EU Commissioner Phil Hogan. So the Europeans want to demonstrate in the negotiations to the people’s Republic of coherence.

It is the second Time that France, the EU and Germany have to negotiate as the Troika, in Beijing, China. In spring, Macron had surprised the Chinese with this approach. As Xi Jinping visited in March, only Italy and after a short visit to Monaco to Paris flew, he met there not only the French President, but also on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. The Signal that Europe is United and cannot be divided. Together, Berlin, Paris and Brussels want to ensure that Xi keeps its word and the Chinese economy is a piece of more open.

Bordeaux is protected

However, the trip this time was for the German side, there is a balancing act Minister of education, Karliczek is something of a compromise: not too prominent, and yet in the Minister rank. To do too much there is for you in China. EU-Commissioner Hogan, after all, a political Mission. The EU signed an agreement with China that would protect the origin of food recorded. Bordeaux-wine that is sold in China, now has to actually originate from the Medoc. And not every blue cheese is allowed to call himself in the future Roquefort. Of the hundreds of listed products, about a quarter comes from France.

The reason for German reticence is the place of the Macron to his speech. Just in the climate, the foreclosure of China hosted for the second Time an import trade fair: the China International Import Expo, short-CIIE. 3,000 companies have set up in the exhibition centre of Shanghai their stands. Unlike a trade show the import show is a hodgepodge. Internet companies, Stand to Stand with shipping companies. Paper machines manufacturers and chip companies, side-by-side.

a number of foreign companies reported to be from the Chinese government in pushing on the import trade fair in Shanghai exhibit.

nothing is Sold almost. According to a survey by the European chamber of Commerce in China, just half of last year signed Deals were completed. 47 per cent of projects are either still or lie on the ice. A number of foreign companies reported to be from the Chinese government pushed to have been to the fair in Shanghai to exhibit.

The only reason this show: China will send in a trade war as a positive Signal. US President Trump her calls for China to reduce its trade surplus, and the CIIE aims to show: Look, no matter what this man tweeted in the White house, China is and will remain an open market, it is imported, and not too tight. The most important witness for the President of France, Macron was this year, with its mixed group.

Created: 05.11.2019, 20:20 PM