Listen, yes, assign, no. Emmanuel Macron tries to deactivate the movement of the yellow vests, who was born in protest of high fuel prices and has become an expression of the weariness of the France of the provinces against the elites of Paris.

The French president, taken aback by this revolt without leaders or clear ideology or political affiliation or trade union, will present this Tuesday measures to respond to the discomfort. There are No concessions, nor in the scheduled increase of the tax on the diesel to 2019, nor in any other claim of the protesters.

The roadblocks, which began days ago days and the Saturday resulted in violence on the Champs-Elysées, has had a “severe impact” in several areas, according to Economy minister, Bruno Le Maire.

The speech Macron “will set the course of the energy transition and shall define the method of construction of a covenant of the ecological conversion in France”, according to a statement from the presidency. Will use the meeting to appoint a High Council for the Climate. The statement explained that the committee must ensure that the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change is sustainable for the households and businesses.


The two Frances, a broken global From 90 to 80 km/h: the reduction of the speed that divides France Macron, king without a crown

Someone once said that, when a politician does not know how to approach a problem, invents a committee. The response to the revolt of the yellow vests is rather like this. The president maintains his action against climate change, which include criminalizing the use of diesel and gasoline. But will try to apply them with pedagogy and dialogue.

“A new method, but not a change of direction,” summed up the Monday, after the Council of Ministers, the spokesman of the Government, Benjamin Griveaux.

The Council of Ministers was the occasion to present a plan to improve mobility in Vevobahis the call France peripheral, the middle classes, crisis after crisis, have been seen to have eroded their purchasing power. It is the France of the medium and smaller cities where the automobile is a tool of survival, and where a few cents more on the litre of gas oil or diesel can be a burden for the family budget.

This is the France that has broken out the movement of the yellow vests, the garment that is mandatory to carry in the car. The yellow vests were demonstrated for the first time on the 17th of November. The 24 called for a demonstration in Paris, marred by clashes with the police and by the fire of barricades. The Government attributed the unrest to groups ultras.

The yellow vests were given the Monday, a first step towards structuring the choice, by means of the social network Facebook, to eight representatives. To sort a heterogeneous list of claims, the summary in two: the lowering of all rates, and the creation of a citizens assembly to debate on the ecological transition and purchasing power, informs France Presse.

Le Maire evaluated on a 60% or 70% losses for some trades in blocked areas, and up to 35% for the sector of the great distribution on the 17th of November, the day with more strikes.

Although in the minority, the concentrations of concern to Macron, whose popularity is lower than that of their predecessors at this point in the presidency. The yellow vests have the support of seven out of ten French, according to some polls.

The government speech is confusing. Sometimes it seems to minimize the movement, or that identifies with the violence of the ultra-right, or that trust is extinguished by exhaustion. Macron, that has passed since he came to power in 2017 the protests over the labour reform, and railway, has not found the strategy to turn it off.