With a Trump increasingly belligerent with regard to the migration reaches the northern border of Mexico, López Obrador has proposed a change of policy before the outbreak of a phenomenon that has no brake, and that, they fear, might turn out to be a new problem of internal security. The future Administration tries to reach an agreement with the united States, for which Mexico will host in its territory migrants who want to apply for asylum for the duration of the process. Sources consulted by this newspaper assure that there is not yet an established procedure, and that it is a plan that not only affects the northern border of Mexico. The same sources argue that, in practice, it is something that is already happening. The Government of López Obrador’s estimated that there are currently some 9,000 migrants stranded at the border, a number that they give for granted that will increase with the passing of the months.

instead, Mexico seeks to obtain a dual commitment on the part of the Government of Donald Trump. According to has been able to know this newspaper sources of the Secretariat of Foreign affairs and one of the central american governments involved, the plan includes a development agreement and investment with the united States in southern Mexico, the area most neglected in the country. The goal, according to these sources, is to achieve more than 20,000 million dollars in the six-year period, primarily from private investment, with the consent or the promotion of the united States. The sources consulted believe that Trump does not see with bad eyes this plan, although we are aware that they have to deal also with the wing than to the lasts of his Administration, in favor of the construction of the border wall, which believes that the immigration problem is not a matter of the united States. This Sunday, Trump has thrown more fuel to the fire by insisting that Mexico should be “smart” and stop the caravans of migrants.

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in Addition, the plan includes the united States increased aid to the countries of the northern triangle of Central america. Up to now, earmarked $ 600 million to the plan for Partnership for Prosperity that emerged from the crisis of migrant children in 2014, but, in practice, provide 200. The other 400 did not end up arriving, mainly due to the complex way in which it operates the u.s. Agency for International Development (USAID). According to the plan that has been put on the table Mexico to the united States, and that they are aware, the central american Governments, the aid would go to 1,500 million dollars. The talks, which have been giving since September, and are headed by the future chancellor, Marcelo Ebrard, should bear fruit between December and may of the next year, supported by the sources consulted, so that investment can start to happen between 2019 and 2020. Otherwise, everything would be down to the fret.

The Government of López Obrador hopes to be able to absorb a large part of the nearly 200,000 migrants each year through Mexico towards the united States. The model would have two aspects. The internal has to do with the so-called “curtains of development” that the new Government intends to raise from Chiapas, in the south of the country and one of the more backward parts, in the capital of the country.

The “curtains of development” will be the focal points of a huge concentration of public investment in public works. Until now, López Obrador has emphasized on three plans. One in Chiapas, which has to do with Dinamobet the reforestation of the south of the country, by which the Government aims to plant a million hectares of fruit trees and for which it would create 400,000 jobs, according to the new president. The second focus of concentration is in the southeast of Mexico, where it is planned to build the so-called train maya. A railway 1,500 miles that will cross the states of Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. And the third project will be another train, the transistmico, a rail line that will connect the Pacific (Oaxaca) with the Atlantic (Veracruz).

The plan also foresees an external component, which is more flexible immigration procedures to facilitate the central american obtaining permits. The plan of visas for foreign workers will be inspired by the model applied for haitians in Brazil. According to sources of the Commission for Foreign affairs of the Senate, it is “humanitarian visas” with a year of duration but renewable. “Initially, they would be grouped in hostels, but when they begin to have a fixed salary iran moving progressively to housing conventional” point sources.

a more skeptical with the plan to see in him only an improved version of the Plan Puebla Panama, the free trade area from Panama to the united States that attempted to open the ex-president Vicente Fox (2000-2006), but was abandoned by multiple problems. To get the united States to join the project and increase the funding to this area, Mexico has a letter: make a brake to the illegal emigration or allow the country to become a broker easy for the migrants and the problem enquiste at the border.

In the environment of Workshop is the belief that the country has capacity to absorb the exodus of central americans. The data demonstrate that Mexico has just given papers to refugees in relation to its size. In Lebanon, the first country in the world in number of refugees, there are 170 per 1,000 inhabitants; in Jordan, 91, and in Turkey, 44 refugees for every 1,000 inhabitants. In Mexico, even though the requests have skyrocketed in the last year, the figures are still insignificant and there is 0,0071 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants, and is ranked 127 in the world, according to UNHCR, the United Nations agency for refugees.

however, in the last year increased a 1000% of the requests for refuge in Mexico and over 90% of those applications came from people from the northern triangle of Central america —Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, fleeing from cities such as San Salvador (El Salvador) and San Pedro Sula (Honduras), considered among the most violent in the world. UNHCR compares the current situation with the exodus of central americans during the wars of the 80’s.

Since then, one of the obsessions of the united States has been to keep away from your border this humanitarian crisis. After the crisis of migrant children at the border, Barack Obama signed an agreement to set up a virtual wall (Plan Frontera Sur) in Mexico that includes the deployment of a network of police and military along the border with Guatemala. The implementation of the Plan Frontera Sur, in the framework of the Mérida initiative, signed in 2008, includes the workstion of the united States, both in the form of cash, as weapons or scanners, which has multiplied the number of arrests and deportations. However, this retaining wall has jumped up in the air since October with the arrival of the caravan of migrants that went out of Honduras.

During the first year, the Merida Initiative has provided Mexico $ 400 million in equipment and training. Neither the Merida Initiative nor the Plan Frontera sur are in danger, secure the sources Foreign to the both of the plan with the united States. “The problem is not to control, but to open new possibilities”, they assure.