U.S. President Donald Trump have to take note of the fact that his own defense Department opposes the withdrawal from Syria. The General Inspectorate of the Pentagon warns in a recent report on the situation in front of a resurgence of the Islamic state (IS) in Syria. In the fight against the IS in Syria, about 2000 American soldiers are engaged.

Without sustained military pressure could of the IS, the Pentagon “probably within six to twelve months of revival” and a part of the lost territories back. In the East of Syria, there are currently around 2000 IS fighters. After the defeat of the IS-Caliphate remaining jihadis are being tested “battle hardened and disciplined”. The IS funded with revenue from smuggling, extortion rackets and other criminal activities, and donations. The terrorist group continues to attract foreign fighters, about 50 each month.

SDF forces in need of support

The Pentagon report that IS reorganized in the neighboring regions in Iraq faster than in Syria. The terrorist organization is in Syria is still capable of coordinated Offensives and counter-offensives. The Kurdish militia YPG-controlled “Syrian Democratic forces” (SDF) fought further against the IS, it is called further in the report. The SDF forces but relies heavily on the support of the international Anti-IS coalition.

“We will come back, if we have to”: Donald Trump about his Syria policy. Photo: Reuters

The Turkey is supposed to have agreed to assume the duties of U.S. troops. It is part of the coalition, considers the YPG as a terrorist organization. The USA had previously been the most important ally of the YPG. After President Trump had announced last December for the withdrawal of Syria present of 2000 US soldiers, accused him of critics at home and abroad, to let their allies in the fight against the IS. In the Pentagon report, reference is made to the fact that Turkey had participated since 2017 no ground operations against the IS.

Senate against troop withdrawal from Syria

resistance to the Syria-plans of Trump, the US Congress is doing. Even the Republican-dominated Senate is opposed to a withdrawal from Syria. A Resolution adopted by the Senate recently. The Resolution States that a “precipitous withdrawal of US might endanger the troops of hard-won successes in Syria and Iraq, as well as the national security of the United States”.

The Troops Exodus from Syria, the US President had decided, because of the IS had been defeated. Shortly thereafter, Trump added his own statement. Most recently, he promised in a TV Interview: “We will come back, if we need to. We have very fast planes, we have very good cargo aircraft.” The United States would leave soldiers in Iraq, Trump said. From Iraq, the United States would monitor Iran. At the same time, the U.S. troops would fight from there, IS while the U.S. soldiers abzögen from Syria “slowly”. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 05.02.2019, 17:14 PM