Why is fled Evo Morales from Bolivia?
obviously, the state feared chief of security. After the presidential elections of 20. In October, it came to violent clashes. Even after Morales’ resignation has not calmed down the Situation. In the capital, La Paz, yesterday sacked demonstrators, shops, fire and vandaliert. Morales was removed in a simple house in his stronghold of Cochabamba, six hours ‘ drive from the capital. He announced himself on Twitter.

How goes it now in Bolivia?
In the Andean country created a power vacuum. Bolivia is without a government. In addition to Morales and Vice-President Álvaro García Linera and the President of the two chambers of Parliament have resigned. According to the Constitution, is in office now, the opposition politician Jeanine Añez as a transition President. Today is Tuesday, the Parliament will come together and decide on the next steps.

faked Morales in the elections?
Yes. From the outset, considerable doubt as to the results passed. According to the projections, it would have to come to a run-off election between Morales and his adversary, Carlos Mesa. Nevertheless, Morales reached the necessary ten per cent, points ahead to win already in the first ballot. On Sunday, the organization of American States confirmed that there has been serious manipulation of the computer systems. Then it went fast: Morales called new elections, stepped back then, and is now fled.

Why did, of all things, offered to Mexico Morales asylum?
In Mexico ruled since last year, with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a left-wing President. The rights of Indigenous are very important for him, bringing a certain touch points to Morales. Also, Mexico has tried recently, in an international conflict, a mediator role, for example in the case of the ongoing crisis in Venezuela. In the past, Mexico foreign politicians had offered asylum. The Shah of Iran fled during the Islamic Revolution in 1979, in the Mexican city of Cuernavaca. Leon Trotsky came to pass that, in 1937, in Mexican exile.

What is the role of the military?
For Morales’ rapid resignation of military chief Williams Kaliman was largely responsible. Shortly after on Sunday Kaliman Morales to resign asked to “peace and stability in Bolivia maintained”, gave Morales. He himself sees himself as a victim of military coups. What is the role of the military takes over now, and whether it might even tear the Power, remains to be seen.

Why has lost Morales for the support of the population?
Morales failed because he thought he was irreplaceable. In order to remain in Power, bent the Constitution, which to him, former followers took sick. Bolivia Constitution would have prohibited the candidacy of Morales’ for the elections in October. Morales had lost in February 2016 for a Referendum to change the Constitution accordingly. Just because the Supreme electoral court approved in December 2018, his candidacy in a controversial process, he was able to compete at all.

What is the Situation in Bolivia, for Latin America?
Bolivia is the only country in the Region that is in turmoil. Chile has experienced the largest demonstrations since the end of the dictatorship. In Ecuador, the President had to take back the cancellation of subsidies. In Argentina, a 180-degree turn of the policy is, after the Left-neo-Peronist Fernandez will inherit the Neoliberal Mauricio Macri. More disastrous is the Situation in Venezuela, where the supply collapsed and a sixth of the population is on the run. In principle, it seems possible that Morales’ escape to calm the Situation, at least temporarily. A prolonged crisis would destabilise the continent.

Created: 12.11.2019, 15:04 PM