After a suspected Islamist attack will have hundreds applied people on Monday, the camp of the UN peacekeeping force Monusco in Beni in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is invaded. The demonstrators accused the UN blue helmets “inaction”.

According to arms data, four of the demonstrators were killed, ten and three native soldiers were wounded. In the attack suspected Islamist militiamen earlier, eight people had been killed.

the security forces of The Democratic Republic of the Congo, fired first warning shots in the vicinity of the Monusco camp. The protesters were met with yet more to the UN camp, and set up the office on the premises in a fire.

The base of the UN Mission was damaged, and the peace troops have been moved for security reasons, said a UN spokesman in front of journalists in New York. It was around 700 forces from Malawi and India. The Monusco call on all Parties for restraint.

Stronger cooperation

announced in The President’s office in Kinshasa announced, meanwhile, after the Islamist attack “joint operations” of the Congolese army and Monusco, to increase the security in the East of the country. This should be set up in Beni, a “headquarters”. In the Region of Nord-Kivu is a perpetual nocturnal output was imposed barrier. The UN peacekeeping force, announced greater cooperation with the Congolese partners and the authorities to find “common solutions for the people of Beni”.

Behind the night’s attack with eight dead in Beni, the Islamist militia allied democratic forces (ADF), put an army spokesman said. Angry citizens continued after the attack, first of all, parts of the town hall on fire, then they moved on to the Monusco camp.

The ADF militia fought originally, in the neighboring country of Uganda against the incumbent President Yoweri Museveni. In the 90s, she was driven out of Uganda, and withdrew to the North-East of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There is still active today. In early November, the Congolese army launched an Offensive against the ADF; more than 70 civilians have been killed in the Region of Beni.

High costs and low efficiency

The Monusco had previously stated that it could not be, without any request on the part of the government. An uncoordinated approach could also lead to the shelling of its own soldiers. The Monusco is due to their high cost and low efficiency in the criticism. In a study of 2018 UN investigator since 1999 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo stationed blue-helmet-Mission management problems and deficiencies in the training before throwing. (chk/sda)

Created: 26.11.2019, 01:40 PM