Has held a total of 19 interviews with prosecutors. He has collaborated with several research. The cooperation of Michael Flynn, the first National Security adviser to president Donald Trump, with the investigation of special prosecutor Robert Mueller has been so “substantial” that this considers that you should not pay with the jail to have lied to federal investigators.

As emerges from the dossier submitted by the office of Mueller on Tuesday. This is the first time that prosecutors described the collaboration of Flynn with the research on the interference of russia in the elections of 2016, and the possible conspiracy of the Trump and its environment with Moscow, from which the exconsejero of Homeland Security pleaded guilty a year ago of lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Those same contacts, which took place while the administration of Barack Obama imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its interference in the american presidential elections, are also brought Flynn to leave the White House in February of 2017.


Seven questions and answers to understand the plot Russian The exconsejero Security National agrees to cooperate with the special prosecutor of the weft Russian prosecutor last tests to impute to Michael Flynn for the plot Russian

Flynn is one Betsmove of five close aides of president Trump who have pleaded guilty to various charges in the research of Mueller. The extent of his cooperation with the investigation, to try to reduce his sentence, has been until now one of the best kept secrets in Washington.

The document of the prosecution, delivered in a district court of Washington DC, recommends that the court issue a judgment against Flynn, that is expected within two weeks, “in the low end” of the range established for that offense in the federal courts, which goes from zero to six months in prison. It consists of seven pages, plus an appendix of other six which are detailed in the cooperation of Flynn with the research that qualifies for “substantial” and indicates that “deserves to be taken into consideration when sentencing”. This annex presents heavily censored, with lines and whole paragraphs crossed out in black, who kept secret the details of the conversations with Flynn.

Yes specifies the document that Flynn has collaborated with his “research on the linkages or coordination between the Russian Government and individuals associated with the campaign of Trump”. The fact that you are prompted for the exconsejero a sentence so small, suggests that Mueller considered very valuable contribution to the research.