The attorney general of Colombia, Néstor Humberto Martínez, has affirmed this Tuesday that you have knowledge of the meetings who kept the opposition senator Gustavo Petro and former director of the National Agency of Infrastructure Luis Fernando Andrade, in house arrest from a year ago on charges related to the case of Odebrecht. The statements, made in the Senate, a recognition of which were follow-ups, directly or indirectly, has termed conspirators.

Martinez, strongly questioned for his role in the investigation of the bribes millionaires that the builder brazilian paid in exchange for concessions, has turned to a debate about the plot of corruption held in the upper Chamber. It has done so to defend his integrity, although its intervention, more than an hour, became an attack against the leaders of the opposition forces, calling for his resignation. It has been aimed specifically at Petro, who was the opponent of president Ivan Duke in the June elections, and to also senator Jorge Enrique Robledo, a veteran leader of the Democratic Pole.


The ‘Odebrecht’ in Colombia’s corners to the attorney-general Jorge Pizano: “I became uncomfortable for many people,” The killings that put at risk the investigation of the ‘Odebrecht’ in Colombia

“this episode of the conspiracy,” he said in reference to the recordings of a key witness in the case, Jorge Enrique Pizano, who died of a heart attack three weeks ago, “join now with a criterion of the political opportunity my opponents”. “Coming from senator Robledo, already know what I can expect,” he added. “But I am surprised to senator Petro, who met with Andrade, by the way, to prepare this research, as in all the neighborhood of Rosales [in the north of Bogotá]. In all the neighborhood of Rosales have you met with Andrade, as part of the conspiracy Andrade, talking with the senator Petro. Aaah Together, Andrade and Petro, who knows the country in which they walk,” said Martinez towards the end of his intervention.

His words have unleashed Grandbetting an instantaneous reaction of all the opposition, which accuses him of use of traces of illegal politicians. The prosecutor has also been shown to be in control of the situation and not been shown to be concerned about leaks to the media. Has spoken of a “purpose sordid, politico” and has wanted to make it clear: “I am announcing that I will not be restrained, that no corrupt in Colombia, from their place of detention goes to fund programs that will lead to the discredit of justice in Colombia, I will not be tying to cover-up behaviors of corruption”.

Martinez has been forced to defend itself in the Congress because of the doubts about his past cast doubt on his suitability to be in front of the office of the Prosecutor. The conversations held in August, 2015, with Jorge Enrique Pizano, the main witness of the case Odebrecht, demonstrate that already then he was aware of the possible irregularities of the company. The audio, distributed by the informative News One, certify that Pizano, auditor of one of the projects in which she participated in the brazilian giant of the construction, we moved her suspicions and despite the fact that she did not act.

At that time, Martinez was the attorney for the Grupo Aval, a conglomerate bank that controls Corficolombiana, a financial services firm that was involved in the work. He took the reins of the Office in 2016 and early 2017 inhibited the research. That decision, however, did not prevent him from controlling all the levers of the institution to clarify the case. While the Government of the Duke is to stay out of the controversy, this Thursday, the Supreme Court will make a decision on whether to appoint an attorney ad hoc, with a separate profile, to continue with the instruction. That request has become a clamor in Colombia.