Spain remains the threat of veto Brexit, but begins to glimpse the possibility of removing it. The secretary of State for European Affairs, Marco Aguiriano, has assured east Friday after meeting with his counterparts in Brussels that both the european side as the british prepared two declarations that despejarían the doubts of Spain on the situation of Gibraltar after the exit of the Uk from the European Union. The document of the Twenty-seven will accompany you to the treaty of withdrawal of London from the EU and the political agreement on the future relationship between both parties.

MORE INFORMATION Sanchez emphasized that he will veto the Brexit if there are no changes on Gibraltar Spain a threat to May to veto the Brexit despite the latest bilateral agreement on Gibraltar

The secretary of State has not offered details on the content of the statement, and noted that this was now pending the assessment by The Moncloa. Nor is there any of time official reaction from London. Spain claims that the Uk publishing that text before the summit on Sunday.

To close the pact would open definitely the summit next Sunday, which is expected to seal the agreement to consummate the Brexit on the 29th of march 2019. The rest of remaining obstacles (claim on quotas of fishing in british waters and clarification on the transitional period) have been resolved in the morning of this Friday, so it only remains the stumbling block in gibraltar.

“27 and the European Commission, without cracks, have offered a package that is intended to comply with the requirements and objectives of the Government of Spain,” said Aguiriano at the end of a morning of meetings among the 27 delegations of the Casinoslot european countries and the negotiating team european directed by Michael Barnier.

The secretary of State has ensured that the negotiators “have gone as far as it can go (…) and even have improved the text that we had raised in regard to the political declaration. What have been strengthened, with more references to the Treaty of the Union.” But Aguiriano has not wanted to clarify the political range of the declaration of the 27. “We will have to ask the jurists” turned a blind eye to the Spanish representative. For the moment, and according to the draft of the text where it is intended to insert the paragraph of Gibraltar, it is a mere annex to the conclusions expected to approve the European Council next Sunday.

The definitive agreement now rests, in large part, on the position of London. Spain expects that London made public a statement in which it confirmed that it shares the european rendering of the article 184 of the Treaty on the output. The Government of Pedro Sanchez feared that such an article condicionase in the future the relationship between the EU and Gibraltar, without respecting the right of veto that had been recognized to Spain in the negotiating directives on the Brexit.

“We have required that the statement [of London] made public before the eu summit [November 25],” he warned Aguiriano. That document, as well as the declaration of the 27, submit then to the verdict of the Spanish Government. And if the president Peter Sanchez gives the okay, we will lift the threat of a veto.

The possible agreement on Gibraltar, if it is accepted by Sanchez, will also be included in a Declaration annexed to the conclusions of the European Council next Sunday. In the accompanying text, also include the accuracies claimed by other delegations, such as those of France on the priority of negotiating an agreement with fishing with London that will guarantee the access of european boats to british waters.

The same document, according to the draft, subject to possible extension of the transitional period of departure to the United Kingdom to respect minimum european standards in matters such as taxation, environment or employment.