More than 2,000 employees of the judiciary –among them 600 judges – have promoted writ of amparo, a process in which you are challenged general rules that are considered to violate human rights. The officials have shown to be ill-at-ease by the first reform of the Government of the Brunette, the two articles of the Constitution -75 and 127, with López Obrador has decreed that no one in the Public Administration earn more than him. The contractor slashed 40% of their salary and set him on some 108,000 pesos per month ($5,300). The lawsuit states that this reform “is contrary to the constitutional order”. “The Judiciary enjoys autonomy to dispose of their resources, for which it has no obligation to submit to the scrutiny of the Legislative branch, the compensation that you assign to judges and magistrates to federal,” says the lawsuit, a copy of which THE COUNTRY has


López Obrador: “I don’t have the right to fail the people,” Editorial | Mexico to your destination photo gallery of The inauguration, in images

The crisis escalated because the Judiciary was running out of dialogue with the new Government. A commission visited senator Ricardo Monreal, of Brown, after that this will present in October a controversial initiative to “shake” the judiciary with a proposal for a large-scale to rotate judges, to make them polygraph testing and to modify their orders. This was the first notice that he warned the judges. After a visit to the legislator, the commission exerted pressure in the ascending order in the ranks of Brown. Followed by a visit to Olga Sánchez Cordero, the secretary of the Interior [minister of the Interior] with the who found good chemistry because he was minister of the Supreme between 1995 and 2015. She continued to the lobby with Julio Scherer, the attorney for the presidency. Finally, the judges were able to communicate their concerns to their own López Obrador in a closed-door meeting. The president-elect tried to reassure them by saying that there was an agenda against them.

But the reality sent other signals. The alarm went off on the 5th of November, when it was published the standard of remuneration. Friday the 21st, the judge Sonia Red, Sinaloa, promoted an amparo petition that his salary is not affected in January, when in effect the budget of 2019. Their demand was accepted in a court. Since then, hundreds of federal judges have followed the example Restbet in a case where they have become both judge and party. “The impact of the law will be the opposite to that intended: the risk of opening the doors to corruption,” says the lawsuit.

This is the bet of the judiciary discourage the push transformer Brown. It remains to be seen if it is enough to reassure an unprecedented case in Mexico. The antecedent closer to the clash between the Judiciary and the Executive was given in December of 1994, when president Ernesto Zedillo (1994-2000) gave a hand on the table and reduced the plenum of the Supreme Court from 26 to 11 ministers. It was a gesture of authority equal to that which it claims to López Obrador at the start of his mandate.

The clash with the judiciary is the first facing the new president of Mexico, after the victory of the 1st of July has an absolute majority in the two houses of Congress, so that the political opposition is symbolic. The judges, in that sense, are seen as the only containment López Obrador.

Until this Friday had been promoted 440 trials that include 2.194 complainants, among them, 291 judges and 323 judges of the circuit. Sources of the Judiciary estimate that the figure will escalate quickly between the to 1,429 higher positions of the judiciary: justices of the Supreme Court, magistrates and district judges, counselors of the judiciary and judges of elections.

The plaintiffs ask the district judges, declared to be impaired in these cases and ask the three-judge Courts apply to the Supreme Court of Justice attract the case to assess the constitutionality of the reform promoted by Brown. The case of judge Sonia Red is already being studied in one of the rooms of the Constitutional Court, whose presidency will enter in a process of renewal in January of next and who has two career judges, Alberto Pérez Dayán, and Jorge Pardo Rebolledo, among its main stakeholders.


The Judiciary prepares a general agreement of self-regulation as a signal of good will to defuse the crisis. The judges recognize some of the vices and debts that they have with the mexican society, so we offer a regeneration that comes from themselves and not from the imposition of the Legislative. The General Agreement of the Council of the Judiciary, in the hands of this journal, aims to promote the meritocracy, and to eradicate nepotism.

In its article 10, the agreement prevents the judges to appoint or promote to their spouses, partners or relatives by consanguinity or affinity up to the fourth degree. It also prohibits making agreements or promotions, or be influenced by their hierarchical position to make appointments. The judges of circuit and district judges shall not be assigned to sites where there is a public server that have a link. If a judge marries a public server will be reassigned.

The judicial career will be done through courses and qualification examinations, according to the document, which consists of 16 articles. The agreement includes the public register of merits of the public servants that will balance, in addition to experience, education and training, sanctions, unfavourable notes in the file, and awards and recognitions.