The tripping in the case of Duarte put in evidence the promises anti-corruption of the PRI, The stigma of being the PRI, “The disappearance of people in Veracruz was systematic and institutionalized”

the Senior officials in the Government of Veracruz during the tenure of Javier Duarte will face their trial in freedom. In the last four days the political leadership and police of the former governor imprisoned has gone to the streets despite the protests of the prosecutor, which are considered the head of the structure of corruption put in place by Duarte.

The most spectacular is the case of Arturo Bermúdez, chief of police, during his Government, accused among other crimes of the forced disappearance of 15 people. Bermudez came out this Wednesday in prison. Days ago abandoned the prison of Pacho Viejo, Mauritius Audirac, extesorero, and Francisco Valencia, the former secretary of Public Works, both accused of crimes such as embezzlement or traffic of influences. In addition, this Wednesday, the lawyer of Luis Angel Bravo, the attorney general during the same stage (2010-2016) confirmed to THE COUNTRY that their client will come out of prison in the next few hours. Bravo is accused of enforced disappearance.

Your case, in addition to another group of high-ranking officials who have left the prison in the last days, as Juan Antonio Nemi Debi, the former secretary particular of Duarte, and Flavino Ríos the acting governor that facilitated the escape of Duarte to put at your disposal a helicopter to leave Veracruz. Both left the prison and are in quality of “house arrest”, with the argument of who suffer from diseases that cannot be treated behind bars. Georgina Domínguez, head of press and attendant media, also came out of the prison for medical problems.

Your releases and the speed of the same, in the midst of political change, both nationally and in Veracruz, will be a test for the Government of López Obrador, just at the time that more has been criticized for not wanting to investigate cases of corruption of the past.

the Governor of Veracruz between 2010 and 2016, Javier Duarte represents, as few corruption during the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto. As pointed out by the prosecution in the process against him, Duarte used the structure of the State Government to create a network of companies non-existent, and divert, as well, hundreds of millions of pesos. For that he was sentenced in October to nine Restbet years in prison. While this happened, the office of the prosecutor of Veracruz was imprisoning his immediate circle: Bravo, Bermudez and Audirac.

The prosecutor’s office has convicted that it is permitted that the likely perpetrators of enforced disappearances and of the sack of Veracruz to face their processes in freedom. According to the office headed by the prosecutor Jorge Winckler “new criteria jurisdicionales” are allowing the exit of the jail of those responsible.

According to the prosecution, in the case of Bermudez there are testimonies of victim survivors, eye witnesses and expert evidence that show that the outside head of the police, “led an organized structure from the Secretariat of Public Security committed systematically enforced disappearances” so that the only precautionary measure possible is the remand prison, demanded the public ministry in a press release.

officials in pretrial detention have gone through several shelters that protects them from some research supposedly biased and oriented politically. In the case of Luis Angel Bravo, the exfiscal complaint that the two witnesses against him are Bermudez and Gilberto Aguirre, former chief of expert services. Both have called for “the prosecution politically Winckler” because, according to his version, they were tortured after their arrest, said the lawyer Bravo to THE COUNTRY.

The prosecutor of Veracruz also shares the jurisdictional decision by which the probable responsible of diversion of public resources have been freed in recent days, to modify its precautionary measure of imprisonment for a minimum guarantee and economic —that does not compare even remotely to the amount of 1,200 million pesos ($58 million) which has been credited as a probable patrimonial loss caused to the State, which is attributable to Mauritius Audirac and José Antonio Nemi, the former secretary particular of Duarte. In this research, is accredited fully by audit data, the likely involvement in the massive embezzlement financial. The State Attorney General’s office reiterates its condemnation to a series of judicial decisions that are contrary to international treaties, social interest as well as to the requirement of justice of the people of Veracruz, same that will be fought with legal means from.

at The same time, alleged judicial errors, have provided artillery to the new governor, a man very close to president López Obrador, to charge against the prosecutor as “the personal lawyer of the former governor (Miguel Angel) Yunes”. Cuitlahuac Garcia has expressed his desire to replace Winckler, but their mandate is nine years so that, in an unprecedented action, has urged “the people of Veracruz to be revealed” whether your owner should continue or not.