In a statement, unprecedented in the history of parliamentary of United Kingdom, the House of Commons has declared to be in contempt of the Government May, after refusal until this Tuesday to deliver “all the paperwork” handled during the negotiations of the Brexit with the EU. The british Executive has abided by the resolution, to avoid the possible suspension or expulsion as members of his ministers, and has committed to deliver all reports this Wednesday. The leading conservative of the Commons, Andrea Leadsom, announced the surrender of the Government nothing more to know the outcome of the vote, although he insisted in pointing out the pernicious consequences which, in the judgment of Downing Street, supposed that precedent, and called for a further consideration of the Committee of Privileges of the Parliament.

The House of Commons unanimously passed on 13 November, with the vote, including ministers of the Government who chose to save in the face of certain defeat, the requirement that the Executive May surrender all of the legal documentation, oral or written, provided by the attorney General of the State during the negotiating process with Brussels. It was the only way of defending the Labour Party as a promoter of the proposal, the deputies would vote on the 11th of December on the agreement reached with Brussels with full knowledge of cause.

This Monday, the attorney-general, Geoffrey Cox (who in the Uk makes it more well the functions of the Fenomenbet attorney general of the State) defended tooth and nail the secrecy of attorney-client confidentiality that protects the information and insisted on his refusal to deliver them to the Parliament. He argued Cox that it could lead to a serious precedent for failure of a fundamental constitutional principle for good government, but, above all, that the Uk would end up throwing stones at his own roof, by revealing their cards at a time on the remaining long months of negotiations with the EU to close a future relationship final between the two blocks.


The Government May defend the secret legal of Brexit May be reluctant to submit to Parliament the legal report of the Brexit immigration of europeans to the United Kingdom records the lowest level in six years

In a last desperate attempt to prevent the claudication, and the consequent delivery of the documents, just before the start of the debate prior to the vote on the agreement of the Brexit, the Government required that allow more time for study and debate on “parliamentary procedure of contempt of court” and be transferred to the Committee of Privileges. The deputies, by a majority of a few votes (311 vs. 307), rejected that claim. And by a majority slightly larger (311 vs. 293) forced the Government to release the documents.