So United America and Turkey were rare. Ankara is celebrating a “victory” in Syria, and Donald Trump celebrates itself. “Hardness and love” to Turkey would allow these “unconventional diplomatic success”, said the US President. In truth, however, the fear of what they got together in the North of Syria, which Washington’s high-level emissaries hastily to Ankara, drive, and the Turks in a provisional ceasefire, consent to let it.

It was finally the Trump personally commanded the US troops withdrawal from the Region, the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the free letter for the attack. Already in the first days of the military offensive, tens of thousands were in Syria back on the run, there were many Dead and wounded, and this on both sides of the Turkish-Syrian border.

That the of America in the lurch, and itself provided to Syrian Kurdish militia YPG would also shoot on Turkish territory, had not Ankara wisely, I guess. The Turkey could not protect its own population, also in the Turkish border cities, the people took to flight.

The dictator in Damascus wants to use troops on its soil, tolerate

As the first prisoners of the terrorist militia Islamic state in the hail of bullets the favor of the hour and made off, was this a storm warning, not only in Washington but also in Moscow. In Ankara, it has probably also become some people worry, and finally it gave in Turkey in the past, the devastating attacks of the IS.

Then, the Syrian Kurds announced yet officially, the responsibility for all the IS-prisoners, because they had to defend themselves. At the latest, there had to be clear to all that the Chaos had only nine days of war in Northern Syria.

Against the fear helps usually loud Singing. Therefore, the agreement of Ankara is cheered now. Only, what US Vice-President Mike Pence and Erdogan have really achieved in the four and a half hours at the negotiating table in Ankara? The weapons are for 120 hours of silence, which is entirely to be welcomed, because it gives people on both sides of the border, a pause for breath. America and Turkey have made a Deal without the dictator in Damascus, who on Thursday once again clear that he will not tolerate any Turkish troops on Syrian territory.

Turkey will need to find an understanding with the Kurds, and quickly.

The Turkey, however, still an area of “protection zone” under your control that is greater than the Lebanon. You want to establish one to two million refugees now living in Turkey. In the process, they are likely to rely in the future on the approval of America. The Syrian Kurds say, though, that the deal was valid only for a much smaller territory. Who is right in the end? There is far more air-holes in the agreement.

The United States and Turkey promise a joint fight against the IS, but how to do that? The U.S. withdrawal from the Region, troops to cancel? Just what are you doing there without your Kurdish troops?

The changed pages, and for self-protection Damascus under. So, if there is a winner, then it is the dictator Bashar al-Assad. As he advantage of this is use – against the Nemesis Turkey, is still open. For the Turkey, but this means that you will have to find an understanding with the Kurds, and quickly, for your inner peace before new fronts open up.

Now, the dream of a political autonomy in Syria for the Kurds is likely to be dreaming again.

Not a coincidence it was that in Ankara on Thursday, so to speak, in parallel with another guest was negotiated. While Pence and US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in the Palace were sitting at Erdogan, said one of the closest Confidants of the Turkish President with the Russian Syria-officer and ensured that this was well known. On Tuesday, Erdogan will travel to Vladimir Putin to Sochi.

Russia is not only since the US withdrawal, the most important actor in Syria. Without Russian and Iranian assistance to Assad would not be long in Power. Whether from the American-Turkish agreement is more than just a five-day respite, also depends on how Moscow uses its influence.

To the losers of the power game of poker, the Kurds are already now once again. Assad had left was once a large territory in Northern Syria. The Kurds should form in the civil war and a buffer to Turkey, the Syrian rebel forces trained and you against the dictator in the fight sent. Now the dream of a political autonomy in Syria for the Kurds is likely to be dreaming again.

Created: 19.10.2019, 17:19 PM