The judiciary Committee of the US Senate plans to investigate claims that the U.S. Department of justice 2017 seriously about the possibility of a premature removal of President Donald Trump has been discussed.

the Chairman of The Committee, Republican Lindsey Graham, said the U.S. television channel CBS on Sunday (local time), there were allegations that the Vice-Minister of justice, Rod Rosenstein attempt had planned a kind of administrative coup by the application of the 25. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Graham stressed, Rosenstein the accusations. Therefore, he wanted to schedule a hearing in the Senate, to find out what really happened.

difference to impeachment

of The 25. Additional articles of the Constitution in the United States, the Vice President and a majority of the Ministers can put a premature dismissal of the President-in-office, if you are of the opinion that this is incapacitated, the rights and duties of his office.

The procedure differs from impeachment, which can strain the U.S. Congress against a President-in-office – such as treason, bribery or other serious crimes and Misdemeanours.

last September, there had been media reports that Rosenstein 2017 – in the course of the player being kicked out of then-FBI Director James Comey suggested to have Trump to surreptitiously intercept, and a process for the early dismissal of the President’s toast. Rosenstein was rejected.

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Now, the statements of the then Deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe were added, also reported that Rosenstein was to recruit have been alarmed because of the out schmisses of Comey in such a way that he had discussed internally, members of the Cabinet, to the 25. Additional articles of the U.S. Constitution apply.

Rosenstein also suggested that Trump’s in-house meetings in the White house secretly. “He wasn’t kidding,” emphasized McCabe, in an Interview with CBS that aired on Sunday. Extracts from it were already Thursday in public.

Trump responded on Monday, again via Twitter on the statements. He plated McCabe as before with abusive criticism, and wrote, McCabe and Rosenstein had apparently planned a “very illegal action” and be blown. There is much need of enlightenment. (Dec/sda)

Created: 18.02.2019, 23:24 PM