The Superior Electoral Tribunal of Brazil endorsed this Monday the president-elect, Jair Bolsonaro, an act that formalizes your ability to assume the presidency and that officially marks the countdown to his inauguration, within 21 days. The first military president of the redemocratización brazilian assumes the position on 1 January. Bolsonaro is still revered by half of the south american country, while the other half of the south american giant and the world is wondering if you are really trained to take the reins of one of the great emerging powers. Before even taking power, Bolsonaro has already fed the news with a number of issues that leave huge doubts in the way, either by the internal war in his party, by the profile of its ministers or, more recently, by the suspicions of corruption that began to haunt his family.


Bolsonaro has close ties with the Administration Trump Bolsonaro is postulated as the great strategic ally of Trump in Latin America indigenous brazilians await with dread the arrival of the ‘was Bolsonaro’

Sunday, Bolsonaro was appointed to the 22nd minister: the attorney Ricardo Salles, who will assume the portfolio of Environment, injecting a further dose of controversy in the news. During the campaign, Salles —creator of the Movement Endireita Brazil and candidate for federal deputy for the partido Novo— took as its flag the electoral security in the field. And took advantage of their number of application (3006) to associate a type of ammunition —identified by the same numerical sequence— and recommending it to fight against the plagues of wild boars in the rural environment as against the left and the Movement of Rural Workers Without Land (MST, for its acronym in Portuguese). The choice of Salles occurred a few hours after the brutal murder of two representatives of the MST in Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil. There’s a cruel irony.


The south american giant still lives in a period of transition, a time of the “euphoria of victory and the bitterness of the defeated”, as described by a privileged observer of Brasilia that followed very closely the recent changes of power. However, Bolsonaro has already begun to feel the bittersweet taste of what to expect, to the delight of their adversaries, who look to decrease their bitterness in the same proportion in which euphoria victorious is subjected to a bath of reality.

it All started with the leak of the discussions acidic among the members of the party for WhatsApp, last Thursday. Then followed the revelation that, through the bank account of the adviser of his son, the senator-elect Flavio Bolsonaro, spent 1.2 million reais (more than 300,000 dollars) between January 2016 and January 2017, revenues that are incompatible with their income. Such information was contained in a report by the Council of Control of Financial Activities (COAF), and this money came to splashing the accounts of the future first lady, Michelle Bolsonaro. The issue caught all the newspapers of the weekend, but both the president-elect as his son, Flavio, wanted to avoid it: Bolsonaro was limited to say to the journalists that had been a creditor of the loans to the exasesor, Fabrício de Queiroz. And Flavio said on Twitter that he had a clear conscience.

political Capital

what Errors naive, innuendo and malicious media or a politician who believed in the character that won the elections in a cross-anti-corruption against the Workers ‘ Party? For a Brazil that saw Aécio Neves and the former minister mr geddel Vieira Lima to lead the anti-corruption campaign, and that today are involved in multiple complaints, any sign of smoke are very much concerned about. Bolsonaro, in any case, you still have political capital to spare and a support powerful of the military to follow his path, that many times he has guaranteed a certain distinction to their future Government.

The own vice-president, the general in the reserve Hamilton Mourão, was favorable to make the explanations clearer on the episode of the loan. “The exchófer, which I know like Queiroz, has to say of where he left that money. The COAF it tracks everything. There is something, so you have to explain those transactions, have to say it,” he said to the journalist Andrea Sadi, the portal G1. Mourão also received accreditation this Monday.

The mystery about the military and about the president himself

The military, which are at the root of the was Bolsonaro —are seven of the 22 ministers— have become a sort of brake-building for the future Government, to the point that some analysts are those who, de facto, will govern. “Ensured the election; and now, the transition”, says a senior source in Brasilia, with the honesty of those who recognize the role of military in all the formation of Brazil. According to this source, their presence has the support of the population, as the own polls corroborated. In the end, Bolsonaro made it clear from the beginning that they would be with him if it came to the presidency. A sample of this influence can already be seen in the Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil (CCBB), Brasília, which serves as a base for the transitional Government. There, the military has been circulating with the same ease that the politicians and the journalists who cover politics in the capital.

The question is whether they will be the guarantors of the ambitious plans of the new Executive, both in the shift to the right in the customs as in the recovery of the economic growth with a plan to ultra-liberal. If the optimism of the financial market, marked the passing of the campaign and the transition period —the Bag went up and the dollar fell since the triumph of the military reserve, is the Bolsonaro president who awakens a huge question mark among those who think more in the long run than investors in equities. How to put in practice the new Government’s plans for Brazil to turn to the right, without which the economy, employment and the social rights provided for in the Constitution is prejudiced is a question that is repeated in the main embassies in Brasilia. Some ideas of the economic team are reminiscent of the formulas of the eighties and nineties, which then affected the power to purchase, analyze, in conversation with THE COUNTRY, a concerned representative of one of the countries with the most business in Brazil.

The same financial market as it gave conflicting signals the past few days, influenced by the international news, but also by the disagreements inside the Government. From now on, Brazil enters the countdown to know how much of the euphoric post-election was mere enthusiasm, and how much will be the success promised.

The difficult path towards moderation


After leading one of the presidential campaigns more polarised in the recent history of Brazil, the president-elect Jair Bolsonaro chaired on Monday his speech and made a call for national unity to receive the diploma of the president-elect of the hands of the president of the Electoral Tribunal, Rosa Weber. “I am very grateful to the more than 57 million from the brazilian which you have honored me with their vote. To those who do not have supported me I ask for your trust so that together we can build a better future for our country. The 1 of January I will be the president of all the 210 million brazilians and I’m going to govern for the benefit of all, without difference of origin, social, race, sex, color, age, or religion,” said the next president of the south american power.