Ismael Figueroa, the leader of the firefighters union of the City of Mexico, has suffered from this Friday a direct attack in which he received six shots of gun fire, as confirmed by the head of Government of the capital, José Ramón Amieva. Figueroa has been admitted to emergency at the hospital Mocel and reports serious, according to the mexican press. At least two other people are injured after the attack in the vicinity of the Park Mexico, in The neighborhood of la Condesa, one of the most central areas of the mexican capital.

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The attack happened shortly before two in the afternoon in the restaurant Kebabji of food lebanese, at the corner of avenida Mexico and calle de Iztaccihuatl. The local Police has cordoned off the area and reports of a detainee by the facts. The authorities still have not issued an official statement about what happened, although early reports indicate that Figueroa has been shot in the chest.

“I Heard two or three detonations, was very fast,” says the caretaker of an adjoining building who requests anonymity. A few meters ahead, within the perimeter cordoned off, a group of experts analyzes a large blood stain that has been left on the sidewalk after the attack. “Came a lot of patrols and ambulances, it is not something you see much at this hour or in this area,” says Rogelio, a bricklayer who works at a nearby construction.

The attack has happened at the back of the park Mexico, an area of bars, restaurants and cafes are usually very busy on Fridays and weekends. The reactions of the people in the Kaçak Bahis area are contrasting. While a couple of friends having a cup of coffee to within a metre of the police cordon, a neighbor scared stops the ride of your dog and look at the scene surprised. “Here it is very quiet, we pass by here daily and always there is surveillance, it is a shame that the violence comes to this area,” says the woman, who asked not to be identified. The fear makes you look away and close the mouth, under the code of “no one saw anything”.

Figueroa was deputy in the constituent Assembly of the City of Mexico and a candidate for provincial council local for the coalition For Mexico ahead of the elections last July. The union leader has belonged to the Fire department for 20 years and is a controversial figure among its members. Confronted with the group address, has been pointed out by his detractors to coerce their peers and try to finance his political career with the resources of the union.

last October, a journalistic investigation on the news of the journalist Denise Maerker brought to light a few videos that showed Figueroa allegedly selling seats to 200,000 pesos (around $ 10,000) and to threaten with dismissal those who denounce it. This research speaks of trips abroad, with firefighters relatives and inhuman treatment, humiliating their rivals.

In November of last year he was fined after driving a Hummer, that the Government had given to the fire department and allegedly used as a personal vehicle, on the central axis, one of the avenues most popular beaches of the capital. After the arrest, threatening the officers who arrested him with a credential that what is credited as a member of constituent assembly.

not Yet determined the motive of the attack. “Still, we could not refer to it by reason of its function of association, but in his time we will know,” said the head of Government.

The mexican capital, has registered up to October 712 homicides with a firearm and 1.532 injury by a bullet, according to official figures. With 990 voluntary manslaughter in 10 months, Mexico City is about to beat the 1.085 that there were last year, the highest figure in two decades.