Behind him is a white wall, not a Poster, not a mirror that could tell from where he is talking to the US channel Univision. This phone Interview is typically for the Venezuela these days, Juan Guaidó, the man the United States, Canada, and large parts of Latin America recognize as the legitimate head of state, must hide like a Criminal.

And Nicolas Maduro , the man, the large part of the Western world as the choice of impostor and dictator refused recognition, has always be all of the resources available to his opponents and to torture.

just a few days ago entirely unknown

“It may well be that they will arrest me today,” is not Juan Guaidó say tired. According to bange, thousands waiting at the Plaza Bolivar in the capital, Caracas. He will speak at eleven o’clock? Will he be able to give you more hope for an end to the rule of Nicolás Maduro? He has been again set as less than two weeks ago, when the secret service on him on the highway ausbremste and a car was stuck, he could leave an hour later, with red welts on the wrists?

The least, the wait here on Guaidó as their Savior, knew a month ago, even his name. To 5. January, he was a simple member of a disempowered Parliament. After their election victory in 2015, the main parties of the opposition Alliance, agreed that the presidency of the national Assembly should annually rotate.

Video: Guaidó explained to the head of state The United States and Canada wish to acknowledge Juan Guaidó as a transitional President. Video: AFP

2019 Voluntad Popular was the series, the social-democratic group of the Ex-mayor Leopoldo López, who is under house arrest. Because several leaders of the party are in exile or imprisoned, fell on 5. January, the leadership of the Parliament to the 35-Year-old engineer from the port town of La Guaira, which was previously hardly any Interviews, and now on a daily basis changes.

Guaidós first appearance was not a frontal attack: Maduro mass-an office entitled him, he said in his inaugural speech as President of Parliament. The elections in may 2018, were a Farce, therefore, the presidency 10. January is orphaned. Now needed, as provided in the Constitution, the President of the Parliament will assume the office temporarily and elections to exclaim. This announcement surprised the the government. And it acted like a beacon for millions of Venezuelans.

Since then, Juan Guaidó on 23. January the second step, and in front of hundreds of thousands in Caracas for the interim President said that Venezuela has dissipated apathy. As Guaidó this Friday, one and a half hours of delay, echoes across the Plaza, “Sí, se puede,” the Spanish Version of that “Yes, we can!”, the Barack Obama accompanied to the White house. After a minute of silence for the victims of these turbulent days, he promises to bring humanitarian aid into the country, 20 million dollars, the U.S. approved government. Guaidó is tall, slim and athletic, like many Venezuelans, he plays Baseball in the Newspapers, he is an avid Salsa dancer. His wife, Fabiana Rosales he learned in the opposition movement is known, the protests by 2017, a rubber bullet, the national guard hit him in the back and left behind, but no permanent damage. Guaidó is young enough to be not with the corruption-infested-Chávez-time.

pictures: power struggle in Venezuela

He is not a member of the white Elite, like the other opposition leader Henrique Capriles or Leopoldo López. He is one of seven children of a family, which Got a landslide in 1999 and is Well lost. Father Wilmer chauffeured therefore, for 16 years a Taxi in Tenerife. Guaidó, the engineering study and the two follow – up studies-one on the George-Washington – University-a lot of hard work. For the first time, Venezuela’s Opposition has a leader who has experienced Hardship in his own body.

“Juan is a very transparent type, the institutions are very important,” said a former study colleague of the reporters of the BBC. “He is no friend of the Improvisation. He plans his actions carefully.” His strategy for the coming weeks, he is now on the Plaza Bolívar. The first is that The demonstrations must go on. Secondly, The military should discharge of Maduro, so he promises to all soldiers impunity, “on the side of the Constitution”. An Amnesty is necessary to the criminal Camaraderie to break up, in addition to all of the experts agree.

The soldiers, he promises impunity

On Thursday had confirmed military leader Vladimir Padrino Guaidós proposal as “null and void” and the relationship of the dispute with Maduro. For years was the President of the top Military a free Hand to enrich, today, Uniformed earn at the state Oil company, in the trade and distribution of food and of the drug trade. However, the dirty dollar leakage to bottom: Middle and bottom ranks, it is just as bad as the Rest of the population. Here Guaidós sets out to Plan.

this weekend, the Opposition went around the country to the families of soldiers and national guardsmen, not to convince you to shoot at people, which is just as bad as them. Guaidó says on Friday on the Plaza Bolivar: “The armed forces are soon in front of a large sample.” Then Venezuela disappears, fleeting hope. Where, only a few know. (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 28.01.2019, 17:48 PM