Truckers are removed by police, but protestors on foot close the U.S.-Canada Bridge

Police responded by escorting protesters from trucks and other vehicles to the bridge. This marks a turning point in the fifth day in which protestors have blocked a critical border crossing.

According to The Detroit News, hundreds of protestors were seen walking around Windsor’s Ambassador Bridge on Saturday afternoon. This is a marked increase over the morning when just a few people were there. It was not clear when the bridge would reopen.

Truckers protested Canada’s COVID-19 mandate and other public health precautions, which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had implemented, by parking pickups and semis on the bridge throughout the week.

Protesters were ordered to leave the Ambassador Bridge by a judge. The blockade was expanded by more people

Protesters were ordered to leave the Ambassador Bridge by a judge. The blockade was expanded by more people

“Enforcement continues, individuals located within the demonstration zone are subject to arrest. Windsor police advised people to evacuate the area immediately after they announced that enforcement had been “commenced” at the bridge.

This is a significant change from Friday night, when truckers gathered in large numbers and ignored federal dispersal orders.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford declared an emergency on Friday. This meant that protestors arrested could be subject to fines up to $100,000 and possibly a year in prison. Chief Justice Geoffrey Morawetz of Ontario Superior Court issued an injunction allowing protestors until 7 p.m. Friday for them to leave without being punished.

Many truckers, however, decided to stay and continue the blockade throughout the night.

Automakers have been hindered by the blockade

The Ambassador Bridge is a crucial border crossing. It’s where a fourth U.S.-Canada trade passes.

The blockade has exacerbated supply-chain issues and caused delays in production across the entire auto industry.

Canadian protesters block a bridge that is vital to the supply chain, causing automakers even more pain

Canadian protesters block a bridge that is vital to the supply chain, causing automakers even more pain

Major automakers including Ford, Stellantis and General Motors were forced to cancel shifts and reduce capacity in Michigan and Ontario.

Canada has witnessed a frenzy in protests similar to the one that took place in Ottawa, Canada’s capital.

Protests against COVID in Canada are beginning to impact U.S. automakers

Trudeau stated in a Friday night address, “I want to make a very clear statement.” “The illegal blockades that seek to take our neighborhoods hostage and the collective COVID fatigue which we are currently facing are two distinct things. You must now understand that you are breaking laws if you join the protests to get rid of COVID.

Trudeau said, “We have heard your frustrations with COVID and the measures that are put in place to keep people safe,” Trudeau agreed, “We have heard you.” It’s time for you to go home.