Donald Trump has announced this Thursday that canceled the meeting that was scheduled with the Russian president this week in the framework of the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires . Two days before had already warned that it could suspend the appointment in function of what the report of his National Security Council concluded with regard to the incident at sea. “Based on the fact that the boats and the sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia, I have decided that will be best for all parties involved to cancel my scheduled meeting in Argentina with Vladimir Putin. I’m looking forward to a new summit significant as soon as this situation is for clarification!”, he wrote on his Twitter account as he flew to the G-20.

The crisis between Russia and Ukraine has led the us president to mark the distance with a leader that keeps a shocking tune, and on that is often expressed with flattery, despite the open fronts between the two countries. The Buenos Aires was going to be the second bilateral meeting between, after the meeting, held last July in Helsinki, when he unleashed a torrent of criticism in the US to equalize the credibility of Putin to the intelligence of americans in the case of the interference of russia in the presidential elections of 2016.


The militia ultra is preparing for battle with Russia on The crisis between Ukraine and Russia that puts to the test the unity of the EU Putin accuses the president Ukrainian plan for the clash in Crimea electoral purposes, The new Russian rocket weakens the security of europe. By Jens Stoltenberg Keys on the martial law in Ukraine

The chemistry between Trump and Putin is under suspicion, since the interference from the Kremlin, according to the US, sought to promote the victory of Trump and it is being investigated if Moscow was allied with the campaign team of the candidate. Michael Cohen, who was for years the personal attorney for Trump, has declared this Thursday guilty of lying about a project mogul in Russia. Hours later, Trump has canceled the summit.

“Germany is one of our closest allies and we hope that within NATO there is now States prepared to send military vessels to the Azov sea to support Ukraine and to ensure security”, has called for his part the president Poroshenko in an interview with the German newspaper, Bild, released also on the website of the presidency of ukraine, taking advantage of this Thursday is being held in Berlin a forum about Ukraine. Poroshenko has also claimed additional sanctions for Moscow. In addition, Kiev has stated that he will ask the international community to close the strait of Bosphorus. “We will try to ask for the closure of the Bosphorus in Turkey for the russians know how to violate the rules of international law,” he said Thursday in a conference Igor Voronchenko, commander of the Navy of ukraine.

Angela Merkel has responded to the president Poroshenko and has asked him to “keep prudence” and said that it was only possible to “solve things by being reasonable, talking to each other”. He has promised to treat the topic with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, during the G20 summit that starts tomorrow in Buenos Aires (Argentina).

The president Ukrainian believes the clash naval last Sunday a pretext for a military attack larger Russian forces. That is why he has imposed martial law in the ten regions of the country: the border with Russia, or with areas under the influence of Moscow. Kiev believes that the incident is very serious, not one more chapter in the dispute that both countries have in the sea of Azov after Russia anexionase the peninsula of Crimea in 2014, and build a bridge between the two territories, which limits access to the sea, which both countries share.

Sergiy Kyslytsya, deputy minister of Foreign Ukrainian, argues that what happened in the sea of Azov is not at all accidental: “For Russia it was a test, a way to test where the limits are, to test what can and can’t do.” A test carried out just before the G-20 summit, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, will coincide with the main world leaders and is scheduled to meet with the president, Donald Trump. “So, what happened here is not an isolated case, it is not just a problem in Ukrainian, but that affects the entire world”, emphasized in his ministry office in Kiev.

Analysts like Mathieu Boulegue, of Chatham House, say that the assault marine is the latest tactic in the long game with Putin to undermine the economy of its neighbor. By limiting the transit to or from the sea of Azov —to which both countries have equal access, according to a bilateral agreement of 2003— Taraftarium Russia may disrupt a channel vital that Ukraine used to send maritime and agricultural products, metals, their two main subjects of export.

“they Are militarising the sea”, writes Svitlana Zalishuk, mp independent member of the bloc of the party of president Poroshenko. Member of the commission of Foreign affairs and the Parliament, states that the intelligence information they have been alerted that “it is not ruled out” an attack of Russia by sea. “I would not say that they will do that directly, but by means of provocations that create a climate that encourages the confrontation”, says the mp, of the current known as europtimistas, emerged in the mobilizations that ousted president prorruso Víktor Yanukovych five years ago already. Zalishuk explains that they are gathering evidence of this latest incident to bring them together to demand that Ukraine has filed against Russia before the International Tribunal of the Sea. A cause that joins other before different international courts and tribunals.

Ukraine, of some 44 million inhabitants, it lost 70% of its fleet in 2014, when Russia took Sevastopol, one of the most important ports of Ukraine in the Black sea. A few months ago, Kiev announced that it would create another naval base in Berdianks, in the southeast of the country and on the shores of the sea of Azov, which will add to the Mariúpol. And this is one of the reasons, argues Roman Bezsmertnyi (leader of the Agrarian Party and one of the candidates to the presidency of the next 31 march) that Russia has increased the pressure on the sea of Azov, which has culminated with the attack on the flotilla ukraine, with six wounded and 23 marine arrested and sent to prison in the Crimea, sentenced to two months of pretrial detention for “illegal entry” in waters that Russia considers its own.

“The incident is very serious. This is the first time that Russia recognizes its direct action and not its support through a third party. Here we are not talking about the so-called little men green,” said Bezsmertnyi, in reference to the army of uniformed, without shield or flag, russians or the service of Russia, who in 2014 ousted the Army Ukrainian and the police of the Crimea and paved the way for Russia to anexionase the peninsula.

Ukraine, with the conflict increasingly warm and open war in the east with the separatist pro-Russian in the provinces the mining area of Lugansk and Donetsk, now faces four months complicated until the elections of march 31. Elections to which the country will get tired, after four years of a conflict that has claimed more than 10,000 lives and has left over 1.4 million internally displaced people and an economy that, although it has grown despite the war, it was not done at the desired pace.

The country is also faced with an unprecedented event since the Second World War after declaring a “state of war” through martial law for 30 days in 10 provinces of the country. An extraordinary measure that has attracted a great deal of political and social debate. The majority of politicians considers it unnecessary, but there are many who doubt that that this has been the right time to make this decision. Some argue that with her and with the message —practical and symbolic— that it sends to the public, the president wants to win returns policy for the march elections. The latest polls give little more than 8% of the vote; far from the 18.5% of the ex-prime minister Yulia Timoshenko.

Both the mp Zalishchuk, as Bezsmertny and also the presidential candidate Anatoliy Gritsenko, former minister of Defense and leader of the party Position Civic (to whom the polls give a 7% of the votes), argue that although it is now adequate, it was in 2014, with the annexation of Crimea, when the country had to declare martial law. “We would have had then best options to protect Donbás,” says Zalishchuk, which highlights that to declare martial law now is the best solution to keep prepared the country, also as a signal to the international community that, in its majority, has supported Ukraine after the last incident.

The deputy minister, Ukrainian Foreign argues that the time is now. And argues that, in 2014, Ukraine was not prepared for martial law. Neither military nor socially. “We are now faced with a nation mature who can verify that this measure does not violate democratic principles,” he says.