William Barr is chosen by Donald Trump to be the new attorney general of the united States, returning to the front of the Department of Justice already conducted between 1991 and 1993, during the presidency of recently deceased George Bush father. This has been confirmed this Friday morning the president, who has also announced that the until now State Department spokesman, Heather Nauert, will be the new ambassador of the united States to the UN.

The two appointments, pending made official and confirmed by the Senate, come to fill the vacancies left by the resignation of Nikki Haley, representative to the United Nations from January 2017, and the dismissal of Jeff Sessions, after a long battle for his role in the investigation of the plot Russian. The substitute in the functions of Sessions in the Department of Justice, Matthew G. Whitaker, was received by widespread criticism.


Trump force the resignation of the attorney general after a battle by the plot Russian forced march of Sessions casts serious doubt on the research of the weft Russian Trump suffers the umpteenth resignation of high level to a month of the elections

“Barr will be nominated to the post of the prosecutor general, [which in the USA is also minister of Justice] and I am confident that the process will be very fast,” said Trump, as he left the White House to travel to Missouri. “It was my first choice since day one,” he assured.

On Nauert, the president has said that he “has done a great job with Michael Pompeo”. “You have a lot of talent, is very clever, very fast, and I think that will be respected by all,” he added.

Sessions, once a great ally of Trump, was forced to resign after Poker a long disagreement with the president that began when he decided to recuse from the investigation of the call frame Russian, which seeks to shed light on the interference of Moscow in the elections of 2016 and the potential links of the environment Trump the Kremlin. Since the last November 7, after the departure of Sessions, Whitaker became attorney-general in functions, has been speculating with the hypothesis that Trump decided to keep it officially in the position, thing that in the end has not happened. Is the Justice Department responsible for supervising the investigation of the weft Russian, that Whitaker has qualified, like the president, “witch hunt”.

Barr, age 68, has also criticized aspects of the research. Has been suggested, for example, that the special prosecutor Mueller hired many prosecutors who had donated money to campaigns of democrats. Has also supported a Trump in their repeated requests to Sessions to open a criminal investigation against Hillary Clinton, his rival democrat in 2016, in the context of the whole plot Russian.

The appointment of Heather Nauert’s ambassador to the UN, for its part, calls attention to their relative inexperience in foreign policy. Nauert he became the spokesman of the State Department in the past year, without any political experience prior and after a career as a presenter of Fox News. Its predecessor, Nikki Haley, also lacked experience in the international panel but I had a solid political career, having been elected twice as governor of South Carolina,