Donald Trump returns to intesify your message to the caravan of central american migrants who are found, after a march of more than 4,000 kilometres, to the doors of the united States, where you have to ask for asylum. The central americans arriving at the border points of the north american country applying for asylum must wait in Mexico while the authorities of the country to process his request, according to the new measures they plan to put in motion the president, in accordance with information published by The Washington Post. Those who cannot demonstrate a “reasonable fear” of being persecuted in Mexico are not allowed to enter the united STATES, according to the internal documents of the Department of Homeland Security obtained by the daily american.

The measures imply a drastic change compared to the current situation, in which migrants who allege a reasonable fear to return to their country can remain in the U.S. until a judge decides on your asylum request.

MORE INFORMATION on The offensive antinmigración Trump is deflated after the elections, The xenophobia goes out into the streets of Tijuana caravan, a migrant, at the gates of uncertainty

The presence of migrants of the caravan in Tijuana, mexico, to the doors of the united STATES, continues to enervando republican president, which in recent days has suffered a major setback in the matter, with the freeze, on the part of a judge of a federal policy that prohibits asylum to immigrants who illegally enter the USA and was considered illegal.

Some senior officials of the Department of Homeland Security, according to the Post, have expressed their reluctance to the implementation of the measures planned by Trump, when you consider that it can be counterproductive at a time when there are major negotiations underway with Mexico, as the commercial treaty to replace Klasbahis the Treaty of Free Trade of North America (NAFTA), which links the U.S., Mexico and Canada, the T-MEC. Even so, according to the sources cited by the Post, the new rules could enter into force this Friday. But Kartie Waldman, spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, said Wednesday in a statement that there are no immediate plans to implement these new measures.

“The president has made it clear that each and every one of options are on the table to protect our nation and manage the flow of illegal immigrants at our borders,” the statement said. “National security is not going to implement this new program this week. Report on policies that do not exist creates uncertainty and confusion at our borders and has a real impact negative”.

But the cross does not cease. The president warned journalists yesterday, in Palm Beach (Florida), during the thanksgiving holiday, which could be a Government shutdown in the united States next month if the Congress is reluctant to approve the funding for the wall that Trump wants to lift at the border with Mexico. “Can there be a closure? Yes it can be, and it would be by the security at the border, of which it forms a part of the wall,” said the president.

The next month expires the term which has the Congress to approve the funding of certain parts of the federal Government. The democrats, the past 6 of November won control of the Lower House, have been unwilling to approve the claims expenditure of the president with respect to the construction of the wall, one of his promises star during his presidential campaign of 2016. In the past elections, the president wanted to turn the alarm on immigration in the center of the campaign to mobilize their bases, but failed to prevent the republicans lose control of the House of Representatives, even though they kept the Senate.

Trump has also given its permission to the Army to use lethal force on the border with Mexico. “If they have to use lethal force, I have given the authorization but I hope they don’t have to do it,” said the president, who also threatened to close the entire border with Mexico during a period of time if it comes to a point in the US “loses control”. “That means that Mexico will not be able to sell their cars”, he shut down the republican.