In an unusually public scolding, the president of the Supreme Court of the united States, John Roberts, has defended this Wednesday the independence of the judiciary in the wake of Donald Trump the judicial system. The president, whose DNA political lives of stoking constantly divisions and look for culprits outside, it took very little to react, and he redoubled his statements of the day before, when he called to “judge ” Obama” to the federal magistrate who froze, due to it being illegal, a policy that forbade asylum to immigrants who illegally enter the united STATES.

MORE INFORMATION Bush appoints John Roberts to replace Rehnquist to the front of the Supreme

Trump also called it the Tuesday of “disgrace” and “without law” the Ninth Circuit court of Appeals based in San Francisco, which has upended some of its most controversial measures. The three members of the court were nominated by democratic president Bill Clinton and approved by the Senate as a whole judge. Trump accuses them of being politicized in immigrant affairs.

“we are Not judges of Obama or judges of Trump, judges Bush or judges of Clinton,” said Roberts on Wednesday in a press release. “What we have is an extraordinary group of judges dedicated to doing the best to ensure equal rights for those who appear before them. An independent judiciary is something that we should all be grateful,” he added in his note, that he decided to make public after the AP prompts for their opinion on the statements of Trump.

“I’m sorry, judge John Roberts, but yes there are ‘judges of Obama’ and have a point of view very different than the people who are responsible for the security of our country,” responded Trump on Twitter, a few hours after the message of the president of the Supreme. “It would be great if the Ninth Circuit was in fact an ‘independent judiciary’, but if it is why are there so Pashacasino many cases with views to the contrary (border and security) are registered there, and why a large number of these cases have been reversed,” he asked the agent. And culminated with a recommendation to Roberts and a defense on your demonization of immigration responds to security threats: “please study the figures. Are striking. We need protection and security. Let these sentences are making unsafe our country! Very dangerous and foolish!”.

Roberts was nominated in 2005 by republican president George W. Bush, but has struggled to take off the label of conservative, and be submitted as a “referee” neutral. This is the first time which was critical of Trump, in his nearly two years in the White House, has strongly condemned repeatedly against the judges who have abrogated their proposals, and has also exhibited his discomfort by not being able to control the Prosecutor’s office.

these Are troubled times for the Supreme Court, whose decisions define the course of social of USA. Trump has already nominated two conservative judges to vacant positions. The nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, at the beginning of October, was embroiled in a controversy capitalized by the accusations of sexual harassment against him. Kavanaugh defended vehemently his innocence, and came to attribute the accusations to maneuvers of the environment of the marriage Clinton. These statements partisans have stoked the fear that, with the arrival of Kavanaugh, the growing politicization in the highest judicial authority in the country. Of the nine judges of the Supreme, five have inclinations are conservative and four progressive.

Trump builds up a long history of criticisms of the judiciary and one of its priorities as president has been to accelerate the nomination of conservative judges to the courts of first instance and appeals. During the election campaign, criticized Roberts for providing the key vote on the health reform of Barack Obama and railed against a judge, for being of mexican origin, who oversaw an appeal against a university driven by Trump. Last year, the president was labeled a “kind of judge” to the judge who deemed it unconstitutional his first veto immigration to citizens of several muslim-majority countries. That judge, James Robart, had been appointed by republican George W. Bush.

instead, Trump applauded the past June, the sentence of the Supreme, signed by Roberts, which considered legal its third version of a veto immigration to citizens of seven countries, five of them muslim-majority.