Donald Trump threatened with a closure of the border to Mexico in the coming week. The neighbouring country “should immediately stop all illegal Migration in the United States,” he will leave the border, said Trump on Friday in the short message service Twitter. Restrictive, he added, that the blocking would not be for the whole border, but “large parts of it”.

The U.S. President had repeatedly threatened with a closure of the border – now he knew this threat with a time limit. Trump accused Mexico again, migrants are not effective enough from the border crossing in the United States. “That would be for Mexico,” he wrote. “But they just take our money and ’talk’.”

Mexico’s government reacted in anger. His country did not handle “on the basis of threats,” said the Mexican foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard.

Shortly before trump’s Tweets Mexico’s President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador had stressed that he search in the migration issue, no controversy with the United States. That Trump his Mexico critical rhetoric again stricter, led López Obrador to the beginning of the election back to fight in the United States. (fal/afp)

Created: 29.03.2019, 23:24 PM