The incident between Russia and Ukraine has led to Donald Trump to mark distances with respect to Vladimir Putin, who maintains a surprising harmony despite the conflicts between both countries. The U.S. president warned Tuesday in an interview with The Washington Post that is posed to cancel the meeting with his Russian counterpart scheduled for the end of this week, taking advantage of the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, in function of what the national security team to conclude on what happened on Sunday, when Moscow apprehended a flotilla military ukraine in the Kerch strait (Crimea).


The crisis between Ukraine and Russia that puts to the test the unity of the EU-Russia closes the Kerch strait after an incident naval with Ukraine

“you May not have the meeting, maybe not even… I don’t like that aggression for nothing,” said Trump. It is difficult to know if these words are reduced to a mere gesticulation, or, in effect, this conflict is a problem for the relationship of the gop with the Russian leader.

The suspicions of Turkey and the CIA that the crown prince arabia Mohammed Bin Salman has ordered the murder of the journalist and critic of the regime, Jamal Khashoggi not have been enough for the representative point of Salman. “Maybe he did, maybe not,” he said Tuesday. “But he Cratosslot denies it, the people of his environment denies him, and the CIA does not insure you at all,” added the Post.

In the case of Ukraine and Crimea, the speech of Trump was hugely disruptive at the beginning, when he was still a candidate for the White House. The maximum exponent of this rotation took place in August of 2016, when a reporter asked if would like to recognize the annexation in 2014 of the peninsula by Russia. The united states had not been recognized. And the mogul the new yorker responded with a “what I will study”, to top it off: “do you Know? The people of Crimea, from what I hear, I would prefer to be with Russia than where they were. And we must also take this into account.” Once in Government, however, Trump held the position of Washington with regard to the Crimea and distanced itself from the Kremlin by committing to provide lethal weapons to Ukraine for its defense before the separatist groups pro-Russian.

The crisis open this Sunday, obliged again to portray yourself to the great powers. It was a serious incident: after the attempt of the ships Ukrainian to reach the sea of Azov from the Black sea, Russia closed the passage to the ships ukrainians, something that has not occurred since the fall of the USSR. 23 sailors were eventually detained, and Ukraine adopted the law martial. For the European Union, this will be a test drive. For Trump, the perfect time to defend against his critics who does not live in conchabanza with Putin, after the torrent of criticism they unleashed their summit in July in Helsinki, when he likened the credibility of the representative Russian and their own intelligence services as to the alleged interference election in 2016. Now, the second appointment bilateral was closed for this week, the final report of the National Security Council will be, says the u.s., which is to decide if it is still standing.