Was this intentional? The White house sent the message at the celebration evening, shortly before the start of the Thanksgiving holiday, even in Washington, no one looks so closely and the stock exchanges remain closed. The President had signed the law for the support of the democracy movement in Hong Kong, it was said in the short message from the Wednesday.

He was doing to get that “out of respect for the President Xi, China, and the people in Hong Kong”, is Donald Trump quotes in it, and he hoped that all Parties would regulate “their differences amicably in order to long-lasting peace and prosperity for all” ends. Trump wrote on Twitter to his decision, as he did not want to draw rather too much attention to it. The nuances of trump’s foreign policy.

In Beijing these nuances, however, as the furious reaction of the Chinese government. Vice-foreign Minister Le Yucheng accused the United States on Thursday of a “naked hegemonic act” and warned of “major damage” to the relations between the two countries should not correct the error. The laws were “full of prejudice and arrogance,” and should not be implemented “in practice”. They represent, according to the Le a serious interference in China’s internal Affairs. The foreign Ministry threatened to take counter-measures, and ordered for the second Time this week, the U.S. Ambassador. Hong Kong’s city government has called the interference “unreasonable”. You send the wrong signals.

tear gas is banned

The so-called Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which consists of two laws, the US government, to adopt the basis, economic sanctions and travel restrictions against individuals for violations of human rights in the Chinese special administrative region is responsible.

The law required the U.S. Department of state to examine, at least once in the year, whether Hong Kong is sufficiently Autonomous to continue to benefit from American trade privileges. A focus should be on the rights of the citizen. The privileges include, for example, from Hong Kong exported Chinese Goods, which are exempt from customs duties. A second law prohibits the delivery of tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray to Hong Kong police.

“sends The law a clear and unambiguous message to the people in Hong Kong: We are with you.”Robert Menendez, a democratic Senator

Trump had struggled initially against the signing of the law, because he looked at risk in order to reach agreement in the ongoing trade talks between the United States and China. The President has been working for months. With criticism of the Chinese leadership, he’s holding back since the beginning of the demonstrations in Hong Kong. In Congress had spoken out in a rare, almost unanimous majority in both chambers to support the protest movement with the law.

The President could reject it, although a Veto, but Congress would have to this can with a two-thirds majority to overrule. Trump would have done nothing at all, would be the law of the 3. December came automatically into force.

it is Unclear what Trump was referring to with the sentence that was read in the announcement of the signature also: The government is not going to treat differentiated “parts of the law, the Constitution of the trench lawful authority of the President in matters of foreign policy,” it was said in the message. From the White house, there was no clarification.

“We are with you”

the law of Republican Senator Marco Rubio had Introduced. He welcomed trump’s decision: The support of the Pro-democracy forces come at the right time. “The United States will now receive new and important instruments to Beijing from further interference in the internal Affairs of Hong Kong are to be held.”

democratic Senator Robert Menendez said the law “sends finally, a clear and unambiguous message to the people in Hong Kong: We are with you.” And Republican Senator Jim Risch emphasized that it was important to draw China’s leaders for “their suppression of fundamental human rights to responsibility.”

representatives of the protest movement in Hong Kong were about the signing of the law pleased. The protests in the special administrative region have been ongoing for half a year, and last beat in the violence. More than 5,800 demonstrators were arrested since June.

Created: 28.11.2019, 20:01 PM