It takes, until a quiet voice. Fred warm beer leans to the intercom: “this is Fred and Cindy are warm beer, the parents of Otto. We want to talk to the Ambassador.” The intercom cracks, then the soft voice. The Ambassador had lunch, a meeting, then. No Time For That. In addition, no appointment had been agreed. “Send us next Time, but please E-Mail.” Then there is silence.

The Embassy of North Korea is a down, a familiar housing, a curtain moves, a man throws a glance outside. The two Americans, he recognizes with certainty. Every North Korean Diplomat familiar with the parents of Otto and warm beer with the students from Cincinnati, Ohio, the North Korea has sentenced a niche Regime, to 15 years in a labor camp and only half dead to leave him. Six days after his return, Otto warm beer died.

Fred and Cindy are warm, come for beer to Berlin, to atone for the death of her son. This Morning they ran with their German lawyers from Potsdamer Platz over. At a table in the registry, you have told the story of her son, in front of the Windows of the morning traffic rushes. Fred hot drinks beer Cola light, his wife, tea. Time you act calm, then angry again, you can feel their great pain. Five days her son wanted to stay in North Korea. New year’s eve at one of the most inhospitable places in the world to celebrate the turn of the year 2015/16 in Pyongyang. Once the Cold war back, then again.

Who would like to travel as a Tourist to North Korea must join a tour group. Otto warm beer chose Young Pioneer Tours, based in China. “Fun, thrills and adventure at a cheap price”, on the site. Today, the company advertises travel “to places you would your mother prefer to keep”. Chernobyl, Chechnya, Eritrea, Somalia. The company had also advertised that no American has been arrested, says Fred warm beer.

guards with Kalashnikovs

they were for a decade, housed in the Hotel Yanggakdo, a concrete colossus, the beginning of the nineties, French architects on an island in the Taedong river have built. Not a guest of the hotel may leave the Hotel. The bridges guards with Kalashnikovs stand. In the basement of a Casino is located, it is operated by bored Chinese, who are here to be quartered also. The hotel bar is a winding maze of tables. There are home-brewed beer, Indonesian lemonade and the North Korean liquor with a pickled snake.

On the travel of Young Pioneer Tours tell participants always had quite a bit. One of the major dares was it, the infamous fifth floor of the Yanggakdo visit. Here, the management of the hotel sits. And the security of the state. On the walls, Propaganda posters hanging. The Elevator stops on the fifth floor, you have to take the stairs.

On new year day 2016 entered Otto warm beer this employee level. Whether it was actually the fifth floor, is unclear. It is clear, however: It was 1.57 am local time, when a monitoring camera is held firmly, as he took one of the posters from the wall. “We arm ourselves with the Patriotism of Kim Jong-il”, stand out in Korean, a massive piece of Propaganda, much too heavy to take it with you.

As Otto warm beer was healthy: He will be discharged in 2016 in the prison.Photo: Kyodo

The following day, North Korean border guards, Otto warm beer arrested at the airport of Pyongyang. The tour group flew back without him. “There was a little Problem with Otto,” wrote the tour guide from Young Pioneer Tours. A little later, she assured: “We expect that it will be fixed soon, but please have a little patience.”

What a miscalculation. The parents in Ohio tell a Similar Wait. Rest. No Interviews. No Noise. Fred and Cindy warm beer, held it. Also you must live with it now. 22. In January, North Korea’s official news Agency, KCNA, and to spread the message that “the American state had been detained citizens of Otto free Rick hot beer” as he tried “to destroy the order of the American government, the unity of the country”. Cindy and Fred warm beer were silent more.

at the end of February was organised by the Regime in a press conference in Pyongyang. In a country where there is otherwise never have press conferences. With tears in a voice sometimes choked Otto warm beer, confessed to have the Banner from the wall taken. “I ask you to forgive me. Please! I made the worst mistake of my life,” he said. He wore a beige linen jacket, including a striped shirt, tied tie, apparently hastily.

Two weeks later, the Supreme court of North Korea Otto sentenced the warm beer due to “hostile acts against the state”, to 15 years in a labour camp. Recordings of the state television show, such as Otto and warm beer is transferred, handcuffed, with the gaze lowered. The last pictures show him healthy and alive. 15 months, the parents will hear nothing from your son. No “megaphone diplomacy”, the officials in Washington. “The U.S. government has left our son all the time in the lurch,” says Cindy warm beer today.


At 6 woke up”. June 2017, the special Commissioner received for North Korea in the American foreign Ministry, a message. Otto warm beer lying in coma. He had, it is said, shortly after the process food poisoning suffered. You gave him a sleeping pill, unfortunately, he had woken up since then.

At the 13. June free the North Korean Regime, Otto warm beer out of “humanitarian reasons”. On Board a plane, he lands in the United States. “We heard a very loud, almost animalistic cries of,” says Cindy warm beer. It was the cries of her son. His head was shaved, in the nose, a nasogastric tube was stuck. “He was shaking violently and making Howling noises like a cow or a kind of animal. It was disturbing,” says Fred warm beer. “When we arrived at the hospital, the Doctors said: Otto is blind and deaf.” 19. June 2017 Otto and warm beer to die. He is 22 years old.

“The US government has let our son down.”Cindy warm beer, the mother of Otto of hot beer,

“you killed him,” says Cindy warm beer in Berlin. Then you make your way to the Embassy of North Korea. For policy, she and her husband have been interested before, Cindy warm beer is 60 years old, her husband a year younger. North Korea earlier you knew as good as nothing. Since Otto’s death, but the Kim Regime has two new enemies. “We draw North Korea to account, that is why we are here,” says Cindy warm beer. You want to hit the Regime where it most hurts – in the money.

In April 2018, it sued the North Korean government because of “brutal torture and murder”. Eight months later, a Federal court sentenced in Washington, the democratic people’s Republic of Korea to a compensation in the amount of $ 500 million. The Warmbiers and their lawyers to try anywhere to find in the world the money. But it goes you to harm North Korea. Therefore you try now, also in Berlin, to make the Regime as hard as possible. It is the City Hostel.

Since the end of the sixties, North Korea is located on a 6000-square-meter Area between the Brandenburg gate and Checkpoint Charlie. Lived in GDR times, 30 diplomats of North Korea here. Today, they are a handful.

North Korea’s prohibited transactions

After the reunification, the North Koreans began to parts of your message to sublease. In 2004, a Hotelier took over the former administrative building of the Embassy, and ordered the five-storey concrete box converted to a Hostel. 450 beds in more than 100 rooms. Rental income in the amount of 40’000 euros a month – tax-free, because charges the North Koreans paid a very long time. For the past three years, a Resolution of the UN security Council prohibits such transactions, in Germany, was specifically amended the law to end this breach of the law. The Hostel is still open.

In August, Cindy was warm beer in a City Hostel, now her husband wants to clean it once. You hold hands and climb together up the stairs to the reception. It acts almost like a journey in a hostile country. Inside, a cleaning lady mopping the living room. At the end of a long corridor of closed is located behind the exit, through the glass door you see the backyard, the Windows and balconies of the Embassy. Closer to the Warmbiers North Korea are not able to come.

Perhaps there could be soon a court procedure. “The Hostel must be closed, this is a question of Law,” says Fred warm beer. “Otto’s got no right.”

Created: 14.11.2019, 21:44 Uhr