After the cancellation of the Denmark-visit by US President Donald Trump the US was on the phone with foreign Minister Mike Pompeo and his Danish colleague Jeppe Kofod. The U.S. Department of state said on Wednesday, Pompeo have paid tribute to Denmark’s role as an ally of the United States.

Pompeo have emphasized the cooperation with Denmark, said a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of state. In addition, an improved cooperation of the United States with Denmark – including Greenland, in the Arctic gone.

Kofod wrote in the short message service Twitter, Denmark and the United States were “close friends and allies”.

U.S. President Donald Trump had cancelled on Tuesday for the beginning of September, a planned state visit to Denmark. The President was annoyed by the fact that the Danish government had granted to a considered purchase of Greenland a cancellation. The purchase offer was only an idea.

On Wednesday, Trump the Danish Minister Mette Frederiksen threw a “mean” word choice. The head of government was referred to trump’s suggestion as “absurd”. Trump’s cancellation of his trip has evoked in Denmark the amazement and annoyance.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen sought to the cancelled state visit to damage limitation. This will not affect the good relations between the United States and Denmark. The development of the Arctic Region was a call for closer cooperation between the United States, Denmark and Greenland. (chk/sda)

Created: 22.08.2019, 05:22 PM