The U.S. has placed a bounty on the son of the slain al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. For information on the led, Hamza Bin Laden track, is awarded a reward of up to one Million dollars, informed the US Department of state.

U.S. intelligence services see the about 30-Year-old as a rising Size of the global Jihad. Hamza Bin Laden have taken a leading role in the network of the terrorist group al-Qaeda. In August 2015 he called in several of the messages in the Internet attacks against the U.S. and Western allies, and with terrorist attacks as a revenge for the killing of his father threatened. Hamza bin Laden also called for the overthrow of the monarchy in Saudi Arabia, the homeland of his family.

with Atta daughter be married

Osama Bin Laden was on 2. May 2011 in Pakistan’s Abbottabad by a US special forces unit had been killed. The US government had put his son Hamza at the beginning of 2017 on their terrorist list. Possible assets of the young Bin Laden in the United States were frozen. American citizens and companies are allowed to handle since no business or transactions with him.

Where Hamza bin Laden is, is completely unclear. It is believed that he has lived for several years with his mother in Iran. His half-brother said in the past year, the British newspaper “the Guardian” that Hamza bin Laden live, possibly, in Afghanistan. He was married to the daughter of Mohammed Atta, the chief of the Hamburg terror cell. Atta was one of the aircraft-bombers of 11. September 2001. (sep/sda/afp)

Created: 01.03.2019, 07:55 PM