In the Ukraine affair has confirmed another US Diplomat, a direct Intervention of US President Donald Trump with the aim of, in Kiev and legal action against the democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, and to force his son Hunter.
The US news channel CNN has published in the night to Saturday statements of the diplomat David Holmes in the case of hearings in the U.S. house of representatives. Holmes said, therefore, that he on the 26. July in a Restaurant in Kiev, a phone call Trumps with the US Ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, mithörte.
Holmes said that he saw trump’s “very loud” voice on the phone again. Trump asked for Sondland, whether or not the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Selenskyj as he investigations against the Biden’s desired will initiate. Sondland have answered that Selenskyj “will do anything you ask of him”.
The importance of the testimony of Holmes is that the call to the 26. Is dated July. A long time it was assumed that only a direct phone call between Trump and Selenskyj of 25. July could be used in the question of whether Trump was to come in dealing with Selenskyj the abuse of debt.
During the hearings in the house of representatives should be clarified in the coming weeks, if Trump held a planned military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $ 391 million (around EUR 352 million) and as a means of pressure used in order to obtain legal action in Kiev against the Biden’s.
Holmes turned Sondland, according to a report by the “New York Times” following the telephone conversation of 26. July, the question of whether Trump is not interested, even for the Ukraine. Sondland have responded to the fact that Trump is interesting only for the “big things”, especially those who might personally Benefit.
Created: 16.11.2019, 15:00