FOLLOW the money, “follow the money”, to understand what the moves in the party that should displace Donald Trump in less than a year. The star of the “liberal” of the democratic party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , pulls another corked to the “old guard” of Biden and Pelosi, and refuses to pay the sum due from all the members of the election committee that will support the re-election of democratic candidates in the election of November 3, 2020, which – in addition to the president – must be renewed also all the 435 seats of the house of representatives (in addition to the 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate).

The “slap” of the AOC (the acronym of the young man in charge of the Bronx, elected by surprise in 2018, after having won the challenge with one of the notables of the party) follows the logic that has brought her to Washington on a wave of popularity and controversy that have not been abandoned: clean up the democratic party by the potentates of the political and especially the economic, eliminating one by one all the “ras” in the odor of contamination with the “corporate America”, not devoted to the interests of the base but rather to the construction of their own fort of interests and power.