The United States prepare for the full withdrawal of their forces from Syria. A U.S. government representative confirmed on Wednesday in Washington media reports that the approximately 2000 US troops are expected to leave Syria, the country. The news channel CNN had earlier reported, citing government figures, it is a “faster” and “complete” withdrawal was planned.

U.S. President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that the United States had reached with the victory over the jihadists militia Islamic state (IS) your goal in Syria. “We have beaten ISIS in Syria, my only reason to be while the Trump presidency,” he wrote. Trump had already made in March of an early withdrawal of troops from Syria, but it remained at the time of the announcement.

According to the “Wall Street Journal” concerns the planned withdrawal of the North-East of Syria, where the US soldiers to support the fight local militias against the IS-militia. Support the United States in Northern Syria for years, the Syrian Democratic forces (SDF), the backbone of the Kurdish people’s defense units (YPG).

In Turkey, the military pushes help for the Kurdish militia to sharp criticism, since it is closely associated with the Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK), since 1984 in a bloody fight against the Turkish state. Recently, Turkey announced a new Offensive against the YPG. (anf/afp)

Created: 19.12.2018, 15:39 PM